The former president made a social speech in Charleville-Mézières in 2006, which in many respects resembles that of the candidate Reconquête! Extracts.
By Said Mahrane
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En listening to Éric Zemmour this Saturday, in Lille, defending his ideas for purchasing power, we had the impression of being younger by… 16 years. In many respects, the speech of the candidate Reconquête! resembled that of the UMP candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, during a trip to Charleville-Mézières, December 18, 2006. We were there. At the time, Henri Guaino held the pen. It was for Sarkozy to address the Ardennes victims of deindustrialization. It was also, on this occasion, a question of purchasing power. In Sarkozian mythology, this discourse was the foundation of his social vision. Here are the excerpts that led us to make a connection between these two speeches:
Nicolas Sarkozy in introduction: “I wanted to speak to you, heirs to a destiny…
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