Where does the brown pregnancy line come from?

As your pregnancy progresses, a rather dark line may appear on your belly. This is the brown line and although it is only due to hormonal changes, it is the source of many popular legends.

What is called the "brown line" is a line of brown pigmentation that crosses the stomachs of pregnant women. Usually it extends from the pubis to the navel, but in a few cases it can work up to the breastbone. It can also form a circle around the navel. In some future mothers, it can also appear covered with hair.

The brown line usually appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, around the fourth month, and tends to darken as you become pregnant due to the hormonal changes your body is going through. The same is very likely to happen to your nipples. This change in pigmentation is due in part to increased levels of progesterone and estrogen. This increase triggers a change in melanin, the substance responsible for the pigmentation of our skin and which protects us from ultraviolet rays.

The brown line gradually disappears after pregnancy, but it may take several months. It will go away as your hormone levels drop. So, if you are breastfeeding, it may stay on your stomach longer.

Read also: Pregnancy: all of those changes in your body that you should expect

Why does the brown line appear?

Also known as linea nigra, in Latin, the brown line is usually more noticeable in black, mixed-race, or dark-skinned women. However, it is not something that appears solely and exclusively because of pregnancy.

Indeed, this mark is a characteristic shared by humans and other vertebrates. It runs through our abdomen from the xiphoid process (bone or cartilage structure located in the lower part of the sternum) to the pubic symphysis (a cartilage joint located in the pubis). It is mainly made up of connective tissue. This is one of four types of animal and human biological tissue that supports, binds, or distinguishes different types of tissues and organs in the body. For this reason, although she appears hyperpigmented, she is actually white.

Many pregnant women don't like the brown line, and others love it. Either way, it is important to know that it is not possible to erase it, as its causes are solely hormonal. This is why you should not – and it is not recommended – to try to make it go away with whitening methods. On the other hand, if you want to remove excess hair, it is best to do it with wax, as photoepilation and laser hair removal are not recommended during pregnancy. There are no scientific studies that assure us that these are harmless techniques. It is also better to avoid hair removal with a blade and cream to prevent erosion of the dermis.

In short, you will have to wait for it to go away on its own after childbirth, as hormone flow is regulated and estrogen and progesterone levels drop. The same will apply to your hair, if it has grown a lot during pregnancy. This process can take anywhere from a few months to a year. If it really bothers you, contact an expert for advice on how to remove the stain with treatment.

Read also: What is the pregnancy mask?

Learn how to take care of your brunette line

As mentioned above, hormones are responsible for a large part of the changes our bodies go through during pregnancy, and also for those that occur on our skin. It is therefore necessary to know the care and treatments that can be used while pregnant, to maintain beautiful skin.

Regarding the brown line, it is recommended to always use a cream with a high level of sun protection, at least on this part of the body. On the other hand, avoid direct exposure to the sun as much as possible during the hottest hours of the day and keep your skin always nourished and hydrated. To do this, we recommend that you use, if possible, products enriched with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant and anti-aging agent. In addition, try to hydrate yourself by drinking at least a sip of water every half hour.

Myths and legends about the brown line

There are all kinds of myths and legends around pregnancy. What you need to do to conceive a boy, what you need to do to have a girl, the birthmarks of babies whose mothers have not satisfied their desires … And, of course, there are also certain beliefs on the brown line.

It is said that it is the line that guides our baby on the way to birth, or that it is its shape and color that determines the sex of our baby. So, there are many who still believe that if the line is darker above the navel, it will be a girl. Otherwise it will be a boy. However, there are no scientific studies to support this idea.