Which cover to choose for a peaceful holiday?

Insurance and assistance vary depending on the type of credit card. If the guarantees are limited, taking out travel insurance may be more interesting.

Impossibility of flying due to a positive Covid test, injury during a stay on vacation… It is better to take precautions to be covered against these hazards. Can we then be content with guarantees associated with the bank card or do you have to take out travel insurance? By having paid for your stay using your bank card, as the holder, you benefit from the insurance and assistance associated with it, recalls The Parisian. Spouses, partners, ascendants and descendants living under the same roof are also concerned. But the entry-level bank cards, MasterCard and Visa Classic, offer limited guarantees. This is disability death insurance and, in terms of assistance, advances for medical expenses, repatriation, etc., explains our colleagues Basile Duval, spokesman for the comparator Panorabanques.

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Low ceilings with entry-level cards

In addition, the ceilings are low: up to 46,000 euros for disability death insurance and 11,000 euros for medical expenses for holders of a Visa Classic card. With top-of-the-range cards (Gold MasterCard or Visa Premier), many contingencies are covered: trip cancellation or interruption, delay, theft or loss of luggage, plane delay, civil liability abroad. In addition, the ceiling can reach 2million eurosthat of medical expenses 155000 euros.

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In the absence of a high-end card, optional travel insurance may have an interest. Coverage of medical expenses is reassuring. Allianz Partners offers up to 200,000 euros, even 300,000 euros in certain destinations (United States, Canada and Australia) where the cost of treatment can reach crazy sums. The risk linked to Covid, which is not always covered by banks, is covered by travel insurance.

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At Europ Assistance, basic travel insurance with coverage of medical expenses up to 300,000 euros, early return and repatriation, comes 54 euros. He quotes 171 euros for multi-risk insurance, including luggage cover, personal accident or civil liability. It is more expensive for a trip to the United States (213 and 330 euros).

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