Which of the 4 types are you? This is what your wardrobe says about you

4 types
This is what your wardrobe says about your character

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From now on you will look at your wardrobe and those of your loved ones with different eyes. Because some characteristics reveal more secrets about us than we might have imagined.

Self-confidence, cleanliness, style, financial circumstances and even social intelligence: outfits reveal a lot about the wearer. Sometimes unconsciously and sometimes quite well considered. What also reveals a deep insight into our personality is not just the outfit, but also the person Wardrobe from which we take it. Based on certain characteristics Four different types with certain properties can be derived. What does your closet say about you?

The 4 wardrobe types and what they reveal about you

1. The “I never have anything to wear” type

Your closet is bursting at the seams and yet you usually stand in front of it at a loss. You ask yourself the “what should I wear” question at least once a day and spend far too much time in the morning combining items of clothing with each other – only to throw them back into the wardrobe or onto the famous chair in frustration. The result: pure chaos and an outfit that you don’t really feel comfortable in.

But what does that say about you? You are probably an impulsive shopper, have some items in your closet that you have never worn, like to be inspired by the latest trends and shop blindly. What you’re missing is valuable knowledge about yourself and your style – and perhaps a bit of self-confidence. What actually suits me? What suits my look and what can I combine with other items of clothing from my existing repertoire? What defines me? Questions you should definitely ask yourself before your next shopping trip.

Special tip: It makes sense for you to photograph looks that work for you and save them in a separate folder on your phone. The SOS help to calmly defuse the next “what should I wear” situation.

2. The “swimsuit next to tights” guy

Similar to the first type, you also tend to think for a long time in front of the wardrobe. Not because you don’t know what to wear, but because you just can’t find it! You are simply a bit chaotic, sometimes buying clothes twice because you can no longer find them or have forgotten that you already own them. You also love fashion more than anything, you like shopping, but you hardly ever declutter. It can happen that you still have the jeans in your closet that you once wore to a concert when you were 16. However, you haven’t fit in for a long time. Throwing them away is still out of the question for you, because in addition to your chaotic streak, you also have a passion for collecting and a heart for clothes with sentimental value. Even for your tights with a hole, you’ll find a reason to keep them (maybe because you could use them for a Halloween costume or for the next Bad Taste party).

What helps you: Get things in order! It’s best to take a day to do this, go through each piece of clothing and sort it into the following categories: old clothes, sell, donate and keep. Also consider why you hold on to old things so tightly. If “throwing away” your clothes doesn’t work at all: store your clothes for the time being. But be sure to give yourself an ultimatum as to when you will finally throw away your clothes. If you haven’t taken them out again by then, you can be sure that you probably don’t need them anymore.

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3. The “Color? None!” guy

You love gray and black – and preferably from head to toe! No wonder, because you’ve always done well with it so far. Monochrome looks in dark colors have a serious, elegant effect, suit almost any occasion and can be perfectly combined with each other. You could blindly reach into your closet in the morning and still have an outfit for the day. It’s extremely rare for you to be “wrongly dressed” – but at a picnic in the garden at 25 degrees, at your niece’s christening or going to see “Barbie” in the cinema with your girls, you’ll somehow look out of place with your black look.

This is what lies behind it: You’re not as serious as your clothes suggest. Behind the dark facade there is a playful, humorous character who sometimes acts silly and thus contrasts with his elegant chino-vest combination in black. To incorporate a splash of color into your outfits, it’s best to start with muted tones such as khaki, beige or brown. They can still be combined wonderfully with black.

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4. The “summer and winter clothes” type

In contrast to the “swimsuit next to tights” type, you could draw a map of your closet. Not only do you rearrange your wardrobe at least once a month, you also differentiate between summer and winter wardrobes. To do this, you seasonally store your clothes in an airtight container, take your jackets to the dry cleaner once a year, regularly sort out clothes that no longer fit or have holes in them, and shop with a shopping list. These summer essentials belong in your closet now

When you look at your closet it quickly becomes clear: you are structured, love order and are a little inflexible. Since you usually put your clothes out in the evening, a rain shower (that wasn’t announced in the weather app the day before) upsets you a bit. Spontaneously picking out an outfit for an important event presents you with a challenge, as you are used to planning and combining your looks hours in advance. But as always, practice makes perfect. And the great thing about spontaneous outfit switches? They exude that effortlessly light look that Scandi girls have been wearing for decades.


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