Which panties should you choose to avoid irritation and intimate dryness during menopause? : Current Woman Le MAG

Each period has its own little inconveniences! When you enter menopause, the body changes and experiences a real hormonal upheaval. In private, the symptoms can be numerous: irritations, discomfort, itching, dryness… These sensations can be accentuated by wearing unsuitable underwear. This is why women’s underwear brands are reinventing themselves in order to respond to the problems of menopausal women. Here are three experts’ tips for wearing panties comfortable and elegant while fighting against intimate troubles.

The best panties to choose during menopause to limit intimate dryness

Intimate dryness, which occurs during menopause, can be avoided if you opt for panties made of breathable material. Marie-Astrid Laplanche, textile and quality engineer at Smoon explains: “You should choose breathable underwear containing a draining base and an antibacterial absorbent.” This will allow fight humidity and fight against the proliferation of bacteria. Alexandra Rychner, co-founder of the Réjeanne brand adds: “Soft, breathable materials like cotton or silk help reduce friction, thus preserving comfort.” We avoid the synthetic materials like polyester, which retain moisture and irritate the skin. These tissues promote dryness and discomfort. Without forgetting anti-urinary leak pants, which are sometimes made up of chemical substances, aggravating the problems encountered during menopause.

Which panties to choose to avoid irritation?

Another criterion to take into account: the seams. Delphine Finou, creator of Maison Finou says: “At menopause, the stomach becomes rounder. To feel good in your body, choose interlocking cutshigh waists or even bodysuits that sculpt your silhouette while providing comfort.” Alexandra Rychner specifies:Comfortable cutsrather wide at the crotch level, are ideal for reduce irritation. These models minimize friction and pressure zones.” But the real plus, according to textile engineer Smoon, remains seamless: “Opt instead for bonding, this avoids itching. In addition, it is advisable to wear a cut well adjustedif possible with elastane, in order to follow the movements of the body.” Panties that are too loose or too tight should be avoided, they will prevent good circulation and accumulate perspiration. Everything we try to avoid during menopause.

Temperature, type of detergent… How to wash your underwear correctly?

Other reflexes are important during menopause, including washing your lingerie. The co-founder of Réjeanne declares: “We recommend washing at low temperature and without softener to maintain your underwear.” For Delphine Finou, “you must wash your panties after each use, choose 30 degree or delicate mode and buy gentle detergents for sensitive skin.” Marie-Astrid Laplanche adds that the same goes for your swimsuit: “You should not just rinse it, but favor machine washing.” If the latter advises against the use of panty liners, at the risk of encouraging irritation, Delphine Finou recommends choosing them without odor and respectful of your skin. At any rate, “you should not hesitate to consult your gynecologist to address your vaginal flora imbalances”, concludes Alexandra Rychner.

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