which senators voted for or against the free trade treaty with Canada?

The Senate opposed, Thursday, March 21, the controversial trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Canada, better known by its English acronym CETA. More than 82% of senators voted against France’s ratification of the treaty adopted in 2017 at the European level. The opposition front brought together left-wing groups and many right-wing elected officials. Only 44 senators from the Macronist camp and centrist parties voted in favor of ratification, which was supported by the government, while the Horizons elected officials left the Hemicycle before the vote.

How the different groups voted on CETA

Senate vote on Article 1er of the bill authorizing the ratification of CETA, on March 21, 2024.





Explore each senator’s vote on CETA

Senate vote, March 21, 2024.





The parliamentary procedure now provides for the return of the ratification project to the National Assembly, for a new vote. However, the government will have to put it on the agenda, or an opposition group will have to take advantage of its “parliamentary niche” to impose the organization of the vote.

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