Which sports help against cellulite?

Annoying dents
Which sports help against cellulite?

© Josep Suria / Shutterstock

Many people try to get rid of the unsightly dents on their legs caused by cellulite through exercise. But does that really bring anything?

What is cellulite?

Cellulite, often referred to as orange peel, is a metabolic disorder that can be partly genetic and partly acquired. Basically, cellulite causes more fluid to collect in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which creates optically unsightly dents on the skin. Especially people who genetically have weak connective tissue are prone to cellulite.

Causes of Cellulite

About 90 percent of all women have some form of cellulite. Theoretically, cellulite can develop anywhere on the body, but it usually occurs on the thighs and buttocks. Apart from the genetic component, there are various lifestyle factors that favor the development of cellulite. These include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • stress
  • Diet high in fat and sugar
  • Consumption of luxury foods, for example cigarettes or alcohol

In addition to these factors, which can be easily influenced, your own body fat percentage and the hormonal balance also play a role in the development of cellulite. But: Even if weight only plays a subordinate role, slim women can also be affected by the dents.

What helps against cellulite?

Unfortunately, if you have a genetic predisposition, it is not possible to get rid of cellulite completely. But: There are definitely some measures with which the connective tissue can be tightened, which can have a positive effect on the unsightly dents. A healthy lifestyle is particularly important for a better complexion. These include avoiding stress, eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise.

Sports against cellulite

Exercise in general can reduce the dents caused by cellulite. It is best to use a combination of endurance and weight training – the stronger the muscle, the smaller the dents. Since cellulite occurs primarily on the thighs and buttocks, the training should primarily target these parts of the body. Targeted strength training two to three times a week and endurance training twice a week are ideal.

Which sport is the best?

With endurance training you can actually just do what you enjoy: Cycling, swimming or classic jogging all have a positive effect on the unsightly cellulite dents, because both the buttocks and the leg muscles are stressed here.

For strength training, there are some exercises that are more targeted at the buttocks and legs and are therefore more suitable than others for treating cellulite. Classic squats, lunges to the rear and to the side, and the wall seat, for example, are good and easy to implement. To do this, squat and lean your upper body against the wall. This position is held as long as possible. If you want to make it even more difficult, you can also put small actions on your thighs.

Extra tip: In order to stimulate the blood circulation in the legs a little before breakfast, you can, for example, do the toe stand while brushing your teeth. Simply slowly shift your weight onto your toes, hold the position briefly and slowly roll your foot back until your heels are on the ground again. Repeat until you have finished brushing your teeth.