While waiting for the autonomous car, here is the remote-controlled car by Elmo

The Estonian startup Elmo is currently demonstrating an amazing technology in France: the remote-controlled car. With this technology, Elmo aims to renew the car rental service.

Like in a video game…

Elmo Rent, specialist in car-sharing electric cars, unveils a very innovative concept of remote-controllable car over a long distance, thanks in particular to 4G. In fact, the startup intends to one day be able to provide a fleet of self-driving cars, remotely controlled by real drivers using electrical signals and the use of six on-board cameras, three in the front, one in the back and two on the side mirrors. Drivers located remotely will have a dedicated control station, equipped with a steering wheel and pedals (identical to those offered for video games) as well as a screen with cameras, to serenely take control of the vehicle remotely . This vision of the future is still a bit chilling and we can already imagine the hangars full of “players” offering a dehumanized service.

Currently reserved for rental services

With this unprecedented technology, Elmo hopes to revolutionize short-term electric vehicle rental services. The idea is indeed that the user can order a car which is delivered directly to him at the address indicated thanks to this technology. He will then obviously be able to take control.

For the moment, it is only a demonstration, the legislation prohibiting this type of vehicle from driving on public roads. This service can however offer great possibilities in enclosed spaces, military bases or parks for example. It is also and above all for the moment a technological showcase for Estonia.

In the streets in June, but not in France

Currently, the Elmo vehicle fleet in Estonia is mainly made up of Nissan Leaf and Renault Zoé. The operator, currently present at the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Congress in Toulouse, plans to put around twenty remote-controlled cars into service in the streets of Tallinn in Spain by June. It also wants to establish itself by the end of the year in a few European countries, notably in France and Germany.

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