Whisper: I learned that from my parents' relationship

Whether we like it or not: the relationship between our parents shapes our image of love and partnership. Numerous people on "Whisper" shared what can get stuck there.

Do not argue in front of the children, always be of one opinion on questions of upbringing, do not give the child the feeling that it is his fault if it does come to a separation – some parents try to raise their children as "unscathed" as possible from their own partnership . Others live out their love or relationship problems openly in front of the little ones and do not worry about what that does to them. But whether one way or another: Children always somehow pick up on what's going on between mom and dad. What we exemplify for them in our partnership will significantly shape their image of love. At Whisper, many people have shared the life lessons they learned from their parents' relationship.

People tell: I learned that from my parents' relationship

1. Life is not a candy store

"Things don't always go the way you want them to. Even if you love someone, that person may not be right for you."

2. Open and respectful handling (with needs)

"Always be open and honest with one another. And respect your needs."

3. The simple math of love

"You only get as much back as you put in. And if someone doesn't appreciate what you put in, pack your things and go."

4. Partnership needs love, not hope

"Never hang out with someone you no longer love in the false hope that you can save your relationship."

5. Love can hurt

"There are arguments in every relationship and infidelity can happen to anyone."

6. "For the benefit of the children" is sometimes just separation

"Staying in a toxic relationship is just plain stupid. Either way, it's not good for the kids and it only makes them lose respect for you."

7. Stay. TO YOU. Faithful.

"You should never reveal yourself, your needs, or your goals for a man."

"Never reveal your values ​​or beliefs to make someone else happy. No matter what."

8. The paradox of love

"You can love each other, but you can't be right for each other."

9. Every day counts

"Hug and kiss your sweetheart every day, no matter how busy or angry you are."

10. Real love can overcome any abyss

"If you really love each other, it can work even if you belong to different denominations."

11. Talk to one another, not about one another

"Complaining about one another doesn't get anyone any further."

12. Look ahead and not back

"When a relationship is over, it's over. There's no point in holding on to it. Let go and don't look back. Think about yourself."

13. Don't have too high expectations …

"Don't expect anyone to act like an adult because most people never grow up."

14. Commitment is everything

"Never give up on each other. You are a team. Once you have made up your mind, you stay together and find a solution."

15. Arguing has never harmed anyone

"Feel free to argue in front of your children. It's good when they get to see real life."

16. Prios in every respect

"Willingness to compromise and communication are the most important elements of a partnership."
