WHO appeal: Elderly and vulnerable people should not travel

WHO appeal
Elderly and vulnerable people should not travel

According to the WHO, seniors and all people over 60 should currently not travel.

© Marko Rupena / Shutterstock

The corona situation is getting worse. The WHO now appeals to all people aged 60 and over and with previous illnesses not to travel at the moment.

The corona situation is increasingly out of control in some countries and the Omikron mutant is also causing great uncertainty. The World Health Organization responded on Tuesday with a drastic appeal to the current situation. From its headquarters in Geneva, the specialized agency of the United Nations announced that all high-risk patients should forego all travel.

The WHO is critical of travel bans

In addition to people with previous illnesses such as diabetes or cancer, this also includes all people aged 60 and over. These groups should generally refrain from traveling at the moment. The WHO, however, is critical of general travel bans, as currently imposed by numerous countries. On the one hand, this would not contain the omicron variant; on the other hand, it could induce states not to deal transparently with data for fear of sanctions.


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