Who are the 6 CS:GO teams that can win the IEM Katowice?

Photo: G2 Esports

The prediction game is always a dangerous game and as we saw during the first leg of the BLAST circuit, things rarely go as planned. However, for the fun and the beautiful game, we tried our luck again when analyzing the 6 teams still involved in the IEM Katowice. Who deserves their favorite label? Who can create the surprise? Who is at high risk of leaving empty-handed?

The two most anticipated teams: Navi and Gambit

It is not laziness to automatically put Navigation in the box of favorites. This was the case in the first BLAST stage, this is the case for the IEM Katowice and this will still be the case for the next tournaments to come. With the best player in the world, simple, this CIS team seems difficult to take. After some misadventures for the recovery, the team seems to have found its cruising speed. Even if some of its matches were hung (ENCE and FaZe), the collective exudes an impressive serenity. We don’t know if it’s the confidence of the champion, but the team never panics. Even when led, victory always seems within reach. The Navi won the last Major, and we imagine that they will still set fire to the playoffs where there will be public.

After Navi, first team in the HLTV ranking, comes Gambit currently 2nd. Also from the CIS region, the team did not move during the post-Major transfer window and collectively, it remains solid. Where several competitors are still running in and need to get used to each other, the Gambits already know each other like the back of their hands and can count on their achievements to make the difference. Even if she stumbled against “small” (Copenhagen Wolves), she quickly corrected the shot against vitality and PIN. For the moment, we are pleading the thesis of the accident, in particular because Timofey “interz” Yakushin was sick. But we can imagine that the team will be there for the final. For that, it will be necessary to beat FaZe and Team Heroictwo big customers who don’t scare Gambit at all.

The two challengers: G2 and Heroic

G2 Esports somehow qualified for the playoffs and will happily see the Spodek Arena. The path was not easy for the Samurai who fell against Fnatic and who had to work a little against Astralis (2-1). The players alternated the good and the less good, we think in particular of Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov. The young Russian sniper again released very big flickshots which lifted the viewers from their chairs, but at times he also missed a few shots. But the results remain in any case very positive for this young team. G2 works already well despite its very active transfer window which saw two new players and a new coach arrive. For the moment, we cannot yet place the team among the favorites for the final victory, especially since there is Navi on their way But even without being too chauvinistic, there is a world where the team manages to create surprise.

Do not place Team Heroic among the favorites is a bit cruel. The Danes have been flawless since entering the competition, beating OG, Team Vitality and Virtus.Pro in quick succession. They will start the playoffs in the semi-finals and the collective value of the team is well established. However, can we consider the 8th in the HLTV ranking as superior to the Gambits (2nd)? There is debate and for the moment we would tend to think of the CIS team as the favorite on paper. It remains to be seen whether the theory will be undermined by practice in the event of a confrontation between the two competitors.

The two teams that will have to create the surprise: FaZe and Virtus.pro

We are not going to lie to each other and very few people see Virtus.Pro win the IEM Katowice. Even if the Avangar elders often benefit from a buff during very big tournaments, we mainly see Jame hiding to save his Sniper round after round. The team can already consider itself lucky to be in the playoffs and can thank its lucky stars for its rather lenient table. When she could have made Gambit do it, Virtus.Pro appreciated the work of PINalways without dev1ce, before beating the latter in a contested match. Never say never on CS:GO, but it would be a huge surprise to see this team go all the way.

FaZe Clan does not have much to do with Virtus.Pro and talent level, the team has much more respondent. However, we do not see the team going very far, especially because it has to stuff Gambit from the quarter-finals. Karrigan and his teammates are not starting favorites and even if the team fought very well despite their difficulties (after Rope it’s Rain who caught the coronavirus), she struggled a bit to get to the playoffs. 2-1 against Team Liquid, 2-1 against Fnatic, FaZe Clan was not imperial. It’s been enough so far, but from now on the very serious things begin.


On MGG, we follow the BLAST circuit carefully and we take our troubles patiently while waiting for the next stage of the Spring Showdown which will begin in April. Some teams have already been confirmed, but others will have to qualify and the organizers have announced the roadmap.

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