Who are the six candidates invited to the big oral on the climate on Twitch?

Global warming, but also energy choices: six presidential candidates are taking part on Sunday in a major oral on the climate organized by NGOs and a political streamer on the online Twitch channel, the organizers confirmed. Candidates will not debate together, despite the title of the event “The Debate of the Century”, but will be interviewed in turn.

Start of the show at 4 p.m.

The program should start around 4 p.m. with environmental candidate Yannick Jadot, followed by LR candidate Valérie Pécresse at 4:50 p.m., Philippe Poutou (NPA) at 5:25 p.m., Anne Hidalgo (PS) at 6:00 p.m., Fabien Roussel (PCF) at 6:35 p.m. and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) at 7:10 p.m., a representative of Oxfam, one of the four associations that support the organization of the event, told AFP, along with the Foundation for Nature and Man, Our business to all and Greenpeace France.

The organizers were also hoping for a response from Emmanuel Macron’s staff, to whom the 7:45 p.m. slot is reserved “if he confirms” his participation, they told AFP. The contestants’ performances will be visible on Twitch. Largely absent from the campaign so far, the theme of the climate emergency was carried on Saturday by several tens of thousands of demonstrators in many cities in France, demanding that it be better taken into account by the pretenders to the Elysium.

The urgency of the climate debate reinforced by the war in Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has only added urgency to the climate and energy debate, as Europe is highly dependent on Russian gas and oil. “The criminal regime of Vladimir Putin is also financed by this dependence on fossil fuels. Getting out of fossil fuels is necessary for the climate and for a more stable world”, underlined Saturday Lorette Philippot, Friends of the Earth France. One month before the first round, while the price of gasoline is soaring at the pump, this debate is also part of that of protecting the purchasing power of the French.

Last measure to date, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Saturday a discount at the pump of 15 centimes per liter of fuel, from April 1, and for four months. On Friday, the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot for his part asked for the withdrawal of TotalEnergies from Russia, which he considers “accomplice” of “war crimes” since the invasion of Ukraine. On France 2, he asked on Saturday “that we stop importing Russian gas and oil”. Proposals to which the LFI candidate Jean Luc Mélenchon radically opposes: “That Total withdraws from Russia, I do not agree”, he declared Sunday in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche. “Boycotting gas and oil is absurd,” he said.

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