who is concerned by this exceptional aid of 100 euros?

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200,000 people will be able to benefit from exceptional aid of 100 euros called the ASPA premium. Are you part of it?

With inflation, the government set up several bonuses and revalued many of them to help the French through this period. After the exceptional back-to-school bonus already received in September and the activity bonus scheduled for mid-November, another exceptional bonus is planned. It is the ASPA premium, i.e. the Solidarity Allowance for the Elderly which replaced the minimum old age, since 2006. According to the magazine Full Lifealone 200,000 people are affected by this exceptional help.

As its name suggests, the ASPA is aimed at the most modest retirees. Thus, retired beneficiaries will be able to receive 100 euros more per month. For a single person without resources, the amount of the premium will therefore be €953.45 per month. This aid will be paid directly into the bank account of the persons concerned, automatically. No action is requested from the beneficiaries.
However, the prima ASPA of 100 euros may be increased. Indeed, if retired people have dependent children, 50 euros is added for each of them, as the site explains. To do this, you will then have to go to the retirement fund, with the family record book and a sworn statement.

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When will the ASPA premium be paid?

Just like the other bonuses and allowances provided for by the law on purchasing power, you will have to wait according to a precise payment schedule. For the ASPA, some retirees received their bonus on September 15. For other ASPA beneficiaries, in particular recipients of the activity bonus, we will have to wait until November. For his part, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire assured that this aid is intended for millions of households, “who belong to the 14% of the poor in present-day France“.

At a time when retirement is on everyone’s lips and Emmanuel Macron’s government is trying to pass its pension reform in the face of a divided Assembly, this exceptional bonus should swell the budget of the French, a few days from Christmas and New Year.

Marion Mancho

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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