Who is his partner Jude (he’s the ex of another great football player)?

We no longer present N’Golo Kanté: if the midfielder of the France team is talking about his sporting exploits, it is also his love life which has aroused interest for some time. And for good reason, his partner is far from being unknown in the world of football.

“Let us live happily, live hidden”: this is certainly the adage of N’Golo Kanté, ranked among the French’s favorite players. The British press has revealed certain indiscretions about the love life of the former Chelsea FC midfielder currently playing at Al-Ittihad Club in Saudi Arabia. He shares his life with Jude Littlerwho is none other than the ex-partner of another famous sportsman.

If Jude Littler’s private life was exposed in the press at the time of his relationship and then his stormy divorce with a footballer, it is today in the greatest discretion and alongside N’Golo Kanté that he lives the former hairdresser and mother of 3 children. No need to look for juicy information or gossip about this discreet couple: Jude Littler do not expose yourself on social networks, unlike other footballers’ wives. N’Golo Kanté, for his part, is particularly renowned for never talk about your private life.

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Jude Littler, the partner of N’Golo Kanté known in the football world

It must be admitted: the stories concerning famous football players and their companions are as interesting as the championships and the performances of football stars! At the moment, it’s towards N’Golo Kanté, back with the France team for Euro 2024 after a long absence. Indeed, paradoxically, if Jude Littler is not talked about much today (difficult to find interviews or information on the lucky athlete), she has nevertheless often been exposed to the public in the past.

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She is in fact the former wife of Djibril Cissé, French footballer with whom she was married for ten years, and with whom she had 3 children. She therefore had a rather publicized past. The former hairdresser had stopped everything to devote herself fully to her children and her family life. After a difficult divorce, Jude Littler had a brief affair with player Henrikh Mkhitaryan when he was playing in the Premier League. Today, she arouses the curiosity of fans, but she also seems determined to fully enjoy her love life out of sight.

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“The angel Kanté” returns to the Blues

The last two years of N’Golo Kanté have been eventful: following repeated injuries which prevented him from playing during the World Cup in Qatar, it was at the Ittihad Club in Saudi Arabia that the champion lent his talents before being recalled by coach Didier Deschamps, to participate in the Euro 2024 in Germany which is currently taking place until July 14.

The supporters did not necessarily expect it, but there is no doubt that with his track record and a first title of world champion obtained with the French team in 2018, N’Golo Kanté will still be talked about in the weeks to come.

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