Who is the favorite French actor?

The JDD has just published its ranking of the 50 favorite personalities of the French. Omar Sy is again the favorite actor and is placed on the 3rd step of the podium behind Jean-Jacques Goldman and Thomas Pesquet.

Omar Sy is still the favorite actor of the French. According to a survey of Sunday newspaper realized by FIFGthe actor, on view tomorrow in the historical drama Tirailleurs, is in third place in the ranking of the 50 favorite personalities of the French.

The actor is behind singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, in the lead for the 12th time, and astronaut Thomas Pesquet. For several years, the actor and the singer have regularly exchanged 1st place in this ranking.

Quiz Omar Sy: are you unbeatable on the career of the favorite actor of the French?

Note that the footballer Kylian Mbappé is in fourth position and Soprano, number 5. On the other hand, it is necessary to wait for the 20th entry to find the first woman: the actress and comedian Florence Foresti.

Dominique Jacovides / Bestimage

Omar Sy in Cannes for “Tirailleurs”

“I remain the favorite actor of the French”

In the columns of the JDD, Omar Sy underlines: “I remain France’s favorite actor, an honor that goes straight to my heart. It always gives me great pleasure. I’ve been in this ranking for a while now, staying there means there’s no weariness.

I feel it as a mark of love from people, and I receive it with enormous gratitude. It is the public who decides and who shows me their gratitude today.

He adds about Jean-Jacques Goldman: “He is undoubtedly the strongest. The proof: I too would have voted for him, I would have put his ballot in the ballot box.

Omar Sy is on view tomorrow in Tirailleurs. A film by Mathieu Vadepied which pays tribute to the Senegalese skirmishers enlisted by force in the French army during the First World War.

The favorite French actor plays Bakary Diallo, a father who enlists in the French army to join Thierno (Alassane Diong), his 17-year-old son who has been forcibly recruited. Sent to the front, father and son will have to face the war together.

Galvanized by the ardor of his officer who wants to lead him to the heart of the battle, Thierno will free himself and learn to become a man, while Bakary will do everything to save him from the fighting and bring him back safe and sound.

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