Who needs a coach here? This is how you make yourself happy

No matter what life question: the answer is in you, you just have to search for it. Incidentally, a coach does not do anything else. If you want help, you have to deal with it. Either way. So in most cases you can do it yourself. But how do you find this damn (often very well hidden) answer? We tried a few tools. Indeed, one or the other discussion of one's own being was very revealing. Even without a coach. We were particularly impressed by these candidates:


Suitable for: People who really want to deal with themselves and go deep. Nothing for lazy socks.

Here's how it works: After you have worked through a really long introductory text, the first step is to take stock. And then you work your way deeper into the ego. With a calendar in which you can enter your personal goals.

Our conclusion: A bit complicated, but clearly helpful. If self-coaching is a serious project, this book is a very useful companion.

2. The 6-minute diary

Suitable for: pragmatic people who don't have much time or don't want to spend on self-optimization

Here's how it works: If you want theory, you can find it here. With studies, thought impulses and statistics. This is followed by a very pragmatic practical part, in which you take stock of 6 minutes a day: 3 minutes in the morning and 3 in the evening.

Our conclusion: Great thing if you have the muse to sit down both in the morning and in the evening. Difficult for working parents.

3. Journal of Happiness

Suitable for: People who want to reflect again in the evening and want to work on their perception. According to studies, it helps a lot to consciously reflect on the day in the evening and to derive goals from it. With this "diary" a breeze and quickly done.

Here's how it works: Go inside yourself briefly every evening and answer the really important questions: What would enrich my day? What am I thankful for today? What were my best moments?

Our conclusion: uncomplicated and nice book to come down and gather in the evening. Indeed, the Journal of Happiness makes you happier. Simply because you focus very much on the positive.

4. Laura Malina Seiler

Suitable for: People who like it more personal and don't want to write anything down themselves. Laura Malina Seiler is a coach. She also asks questions. And it even gives a few answers. You can meet her in her podcast "Happy holy & confident" or in her current bestseller "May you be happy"

Here's how it works: Just listen or read.

Our conclusion: What to say Laura Malina Seiler definitely makes you happy and confident. Holy maybe not now. But you shouldn't expect too much.

5. In dubio: Prosecco (and your best friend)

Suitable for: all

Here's how it works: take your best friend, prosecco and a lot of honesty, mix well and become happy

Our conclusion: Still the best medicine!

Video tip: According to the psychologist, the best time to set up the tree