“Who will steal the show?”: Joko Winterscheidt has to admit defeat

“Who’s stealing the show?”
Joko Winterscheidt has to admit defeat

© Seven.One/Florida TV / Julian Mathieu

Last week, Joko Winterscheidt (45) got his show back from his colleague Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (40). In the fifth episode of the seventh season of “Who’s Stealing the Show?” But the moderator suffered another defeat on Sunday evening (March 10th).

In the ProSieben show he played again against Sarah Connor (43), who had been out due to illness the previous week, her musician colleague Lena Meyer-Landrut (32) and presenter Klaas Heufer-Umlauf. This time Mariella was the wildcard candidate. As usual, the four challengers initially fought among themselves in various quiz categories to determine a finalist.

Sarah Connor plays her way to the final

Mariella was the first candidate to say goodbye to the show, followed by Klaas Heufer-Umlauf. Before the final it was Lena Meyer-Landrut who had to leave. Sarah Connor took on Joko Winterscheidt – with success. In the end, the singer won the final against the presenter. She steals the show and is the host of the season finale next Sunday (March 17th) at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben.


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