Whoopi Goldberg was almost replaced for her role in the cult film

The cult film Sister Act could have taken a completely different direction if Whoopi Goldberg had not been cast in the lead role. Explanations.

Recently, W9 offered the broadcast of the cult film of the 1990s, Sister Act, which continues to make an impression. This hit musical, as well as its sequel Sister Act 2, has conquered a whole generation thanks to its captivating story. The story follows Deloris, a young woman witness to a murder, forced to hide in a convent for protection before testifying at trial. Brilliantly embodied by Whoopi Goldberg, Deloris breathes new musical momentum into the convent, but not without difficulties.

Whoopi Goldberg proved to be perfect for the role of Deloris, contributing to the success of Sister Act. However, Bette Midler, another talented actress, had almost landed the role, but she refused because she did not wish to wear a nun’s costume. She still praised Whoopi’s performance in the role. Bette Midler also said she turned down the role in the horror film Misery because of its violence. However, unlike Sister Act, she has no regrets about this decision.

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Sister Act: A third opus in preparation

Despite the years that have passed, Sister Act remains an iconic film. A third opus was announced before the Covid-19 pandemic, leaving fans waiting for a new musical adventure. Sister Act continues to charm viewers thanks to its captivating script and the masterful performance of Whoopi Goldberg. The film will forever be remembered and is one of those classics that crosses generations. A real cinematic nugget to (re)discover on W9 or Disney+!

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