Why are we so much hungrier during our period?

Have you noticed that you often have cravings and cravings for sugar during your period? This is perfectly normal. We explain why, with the help of a dietician.

Do you know those days when you have overwhelming cravings for sweet or savory? You may have noticed that these cravings often coincide with your period. Is it normal to feel more hungry during your period (or in the days before it)? We take stock with Laëtitia Proust-Millon, dietician-nutritionist.

Why are we hungrier during our period?

Have you noticed that you have more appetite and more sugar cravings during your period? This is normal and it even has an explanation, according to Laëtitia Proust-Millon, dietician-nutritionist and specialist in anti-inflammatory diet. “This can be explained quite simply because before menstruation there is a drop in estrogen and progesterone. It is the fall in estrogen that is at the origin of this need for sugar, because there is at the same time a drop in serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which is in a way our ‘natural antidepressant’ ”, she explains. This is because the hormonal fluctuations that occur in the body cause the loss of glucose, serotonin and estrogen. Therefore, your body will “ask” you to replace them. “The body needs amino acids and tryptophan (which will be found in particular in proteins) to manufacture serotonin and carbohydrates, therefore sugar, to make it enter the cell and in particular the brain”, specifies the dietician. “This explains why the need for sugar is exacerbated during menstruation.”

How to respond to these desires?

To promote the production of serotonin, it is therefore necessary to consume foods rich in tryptophan, the basic constituent of proteins. Laëtitia Proust-Millon advises betting on a good protein intake at the start of the day, ideally at breakfast, or failing that at lunch. “Animal proteins are going to be complete. If you do not eat meat, fish or eggs, you will have to be careful to assimilate the cereals and legumes. Without this intake at the start of the day, the body will have difficulty synthesizing serotonin at the end of the day ”, explains the dietician.

Note that dark chocolate also contains tryptophan, which is all the more reason to eat it during your period!

However, consuming foods rich in tryptophan is not enough. This amino acid must then be able to reach the brain and enter it in order to be used for the manufacture of serotonin. This is why it is also necessary to consume foods containing carbohydrates. “At noon, we will need a carbohydrate intake, therefore starchy foods. The ideal meal: a good part of proteins, a part of starchy foods, and vegetables, rich in fibers, vitamins, minerals, which will help to pass all this smoothly », recommends the expert.

What foods to avoid during your period?

There is no question here of depriving yourself. However, by reducing your intake or avoiding certain foods, you can reduce and relieve period pain. “The body is weakened at this time because there is a drop in hormones, so you have to avoid foods that promote inflammation. We secrete prostaglandins, inflammatory molecules, and if we have a pro-inflammatory and acidifying diet, we accentuate the pain ”, declared Laëtitia Proust-Millon. Avoid industrial or added sugars, too salty foods, alcohol, sodas or even coffee, which exacerbate menstrual symptoms.

Foods to choose to live your period better

To reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the dietician recommends turning to an anti-inflammatory diet. “We are going to focus on plants (half of the plate of vegetables and fruits, ¼ protein and ¼ cereals (whole), vegetables and fruits therefore, and good fatty acids (omega-3, which are anti-fatty acids). inflammatory) “, she explains. So stock up on foods rich in omega-3s such as linseed oil or camelina oil (in seasoning only) or oily fish (salmon, mackerel …). It is also advisable to consume foods rich in magnesium (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, whole grains, lentils, green vegetables, etc.).

Finally, feeling more hungry during your period is a phenomenon that occurs in many people, so don’t worry if you do and don’t feel guilty about eating a little more than usual during this time. The best thing to do is to maintain healthy habits so that the body gets used to meeting these needs. If you really want a food or a candy, don’t deprive yourself. Try to eat it mindfully, slowing down and really enjoying the flavor and texture, you might enjoy it even more.

thanks to Laëtitia Proust-Millon, dietitian-nutritionist and author of L’Alimentation anti-inflammatoire, c’est malin (Leduc ed.)

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Marion Dos Santos Clara

Lifestyle journalist, Marion writes on topics related to psychology, love and sexuality, from a societal perspective. From female pleasure to new methods of personal development, …