Why aren’t all the candidates interviewed in the special?


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Some candidates for the presidential election will not be present in the program “La France face à la guerre” broadcast on Monday March 14 on TF1.

A special called “France Facing War” will be broadcast on Monday March 14, from 8:20 p.m., on TF1. A program that will be devoted to the conflict in Ukraine. For the occasion eight of the twelve candidates in the race for the Élysée will be present, while Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Philippe Poutou will be missing. A decision that was not unanimous. How to explain this choice? Asked about this by Puremediathe chain explained itself. “We are only respecting the rules that apply to all media. These are the rules of fairness”reacted to our colleagues Adrien Gindre, head of the group’s political department.

In detail, these rules are set by the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom) and are based on the political weight of the candidate, but also on the polls, the results obtained during the previous elections, or even, the involvement in the presidential campaign. Namely that this equity in speaking time and airtime will only be valid until March 27. Then, equality will prevail for the final stretch of the campaign.

“What I’m just asking for is a little justice”

This Monday evening, outgoing President Emmanuel Macron (La République en Marche), Anne Hidalgo (Socialist Party), Yannick Jadot (Europe Écologie-Les Verts), Marine Le Pen (National Rally), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La insubordinate France), Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains), Fabien Roussel (Communist Party), as well as Éric Zemmour (Reconquest!). Each candidate will be interviewed in turn; without, however, there being any debate. Indeed, the current tenant of the Élysée has made it known that he has no intention of taking part in a debate before the first round.

And the least that can be said is that the choice to invite only some of the candidates for the presidential election in “France Facing War” was very freshly received by those who were dismissed. Thereby, Jean Lassalle recently judged at the microphone of CNews that TF1 considered him to be “a shitty and useless candidate”. For his part, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan reacted in these terms in the program It’s up to youbroadcast on France 5: “What I’m just asking for is a little justice.”

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