Why did Nordahl Lelandais destroy his phone?


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After his custody, Nordahl Lelandais hastened to destroy his mobile phone and make it disappear in a lake. Why did he act like this?

The trial around the disappearance of little Maëlys continues to understand how Nordahl Lelandais was able to attack his victim. Judged for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys in 2017 and the sexual assault of his two little cousins, Nordalh Lelandais has not yet given all the details of his actions.

During the hearings, a detail challenged Me Caroline Rémond, the lawyer for the families of two girls who suffered sexual touching. After his arrest, Nordahl Lelandais hastened to get rid of his third mobile phone.

A friend of his explained to the court that he had witnessed the scene. “He was in Chambery. I joined him, we stopped at Lac du Bourget. He had taken a phone and started crushing it with a rock,” says the friend in question. After smashing the phone, Nordahl Lelandais asked his friend to throw it into Lac du Bourget so the police wouldn’t fall on it.

What was on the phone?

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Faced with this strange behavior on leaving police custody, Me Rémond wondered what this phone could contain. “Did you film yourself killing her (Maëlys editor’s note)?”asked the lawyer to Nordalh Lelandais.

The accused answered a “no” categorical to the question. The girls’ lawyer therefore insisted: “how many other little girls on this phone?”she launched to a Nordalh Lelandais who remained impassive.

Nordalh Lelandais denies having filmed his criminal acts

The accused refutes the lawyer’s theory of sexually assaulted little girls. This gesture is quite commonplace according to Nordalh Lelandais. It was a phone he had stolen and he didn’t want it to draw attention to himself. He would have removed everything that is illegal so as not to complicate his situation with the investigators.

Nordalh Lelandais explains that this telephone which was not his and that it was out of order. He would have it “subtilized in a party, in 2016, and which was immediately blocked from a distance. It never worked. It’s true I broke it and it was he who threw it in the water”, he explained to the president.

Me Rémond reminded Nordalh Lelandais that he had filmed his little cousins ​​whom he sexually assaulted, asking him again if he had done the same with little Maëlys. To no avail, Nordalh Lelandais annoyingly refuted, insisting that the phone in question was unusable.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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