Why Friday the 13th is guaranteed not to bring bad luck!

Why Friday the 13th is guaranteed not to bring bad luck!

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Bad luck. This day is a real lucky day, our author knows. And she has proof of it!

by Viola Kaiser

When I was seven, I fell and broke my arm. “Dad, that’s because today is the 13th, it’s bad luck,” I cried loudly. “Nonsense, Viola, this is your lucky day, you could have broken both your legs in that fall,” said my father, laughing. That was more than 30 years ago, but I can still remember it clearly. Since then, I see everything differently with this very special day, which can occur up to three times a year.

Fear of Friday the 13th even has a name: paraskavedekatriaphobia

In fact, I don’t believe at all that one day can bring bad luck. However, the irrational fear of Friday the 13th also has such a difficult name that it could be because of it: it’s called paraskavedekatriaphobia. That’s a word I don’t want anything to do with. There are people who don’t travel on a 13th or don’t drive a car because their phobia is so pronounced. According to a US study, more than 19 million Americans suffer from this fear.

Where does this superstition come from? Because the 13 and Friday have always been considered symbols of bad luck. Paired, they must logically bring evil. Towards the end of the 19th century, the American Thomas William Lawson also wrote the stock market novel “Friday 13th”. Thus he is regarded as the official inventor of the date of the accident. Other examples followed, such as the legendary horror film series from the 80s.

Incidentally, in Greece Tuesdays that fall on the 13th are considered unlucky days, in Italy Fridays that fall on the 17th. That alone is proof to me that this is all nonsense. As if bad luck were interested in national borders… .

Fewer accidents occur on a 13th than on other Fridays

It probably doesn’t help those with superstitions one bit, but there’s no evidence that this day could actually bring bad luck. In fact, studies by insurance companies have shown that fewer accidents happen on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays. However, this could also be due to the fact that superstitious people in particular drive much more carefully.

I, on the other hand, am really high on Friday the 13th. Because it brings me luck. At least I think so. Nice things always happen to me. I haven’t broken anything on this day for more than 30 years, I’ve only ever done great things. This Friday the 13th I’m signing a contract that will make my life a lot easier. It’s about a daycare place for one of my daughters. Also, a chimney sweep walked past me this morning. That’s lucky, isn’t it?


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