why Harry’s friends hated her the first time they saw her?


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According to information in a new book, the first meeting between Meghan Markle and some friends of Prince Harry would have gone badly.

An unwavering commitment. Four years after the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the Duchess of Sussex continues to be the target of new revelations. Apart from the conflicted relations with the rest of the royal family and the accusations of racism towards the sister-in-law of Prince William and his son Archie, it would seem that with the friendly entourage of her husband, the deal was complicated. In his book Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsorsthe controversial author Tom Bower makes particular revelations about the first meeting between the future wife of prince Harry and some of his friends.

In 2016, during a party organized with old friends of the prince, mainly known at Eton College, a prestigious school for boys, the actress would have met them and would have discovered their sense of humor, reports the DailyMail. According to Tom Bower, Meghan Markle “scolded the guests”. And for good reason, the young woman didn’t appreciate the jokes “on sexism, feminism and transgender people”. Committed to the fight against inequalities of all kinds, the actress of the series Suits left no inappropriate comments, which did not please the prince’s friends. The day after the evening, certain messages exchanged between them suggested that his former comrades thought so. “crazy” to be with her.

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Louise Leboyer

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