Why it is advisable to have a debit card (credit card) to rent a car

Are you planning to rent a car abroad this summer? To avoid disappointment and additional costs, it is better to carry a deferred debit card rather than an immediate debit card. Here’s why.

Immediate flow or delayed flow? This is one of the questions that we are led to ask ourselves when ordering a bank card. The answer usually depends on your budget management preferences. Some appreciate having an always up-to-date balance; others the leeway offered by the diffr.

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But the differences between immediate flow and deferred flow do not stop there. The two types of cards also differ in their level of acceptance. In one case in particular: when you have to rent a car abroad.

Deferred debit or immediate debit card: how to choose?

Why is diffr debit card better accepted?

When you rent a car, your bank card will serve you both to pay the rental price and block a deposit, that is to say a sum intended to cover the lessor in the event of damage to the vehicle. The amount of this deposit varies greatly: a few hundred euros for a small vehicle, several thousand for a top-of-the-range model.

More concretely, this guarantee takes the form of a payment pre-authorization granted to the lessor by your bank. The sum is not debited, but it is in escrow. The lessor will be able to dip into it if you return the vehicle to him in poor condition.

This pre-authorization, however, is not permanent. After a certain time, the bank releases the sum set aside. Result: if he waits too long before claiming it, the lessor risks being refused payment. However, the time limit before the release of the receiver is much shorter in the case of an immediate debit card (8 to 10 days) than with a deferred debit card (45 days). Which explains that rental companies, especially abroad, prefer deferred debit cardsor even, for some, simply refuse immediate debit cards.

How do I know the debit type of my card?

Not sure what debit type your card has? It’s quite simple: if your operations are debited as you purchase, you clearly have an immediate debit card. If they are debited once at the end of the month, it is a deferred debit card.

To make sure, you can also take a closer look at your card. Since a European regulation came into force in 2016, banks have, in fact, the obligation to indicate this information on the card itself. By detailing the latter, you should logically find there the mention DEBITif your card is debited immediately, or CREDITif it is diffr.

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What do I risk if I don’t have a diffr debit card?

The main risk is not being able to access the desired vehicle. However, the rental company will usually offer you a plan B: take out additional insurance to cover the deductible, i.e. the maximum sum that will be your responsibility in the event of theft or damage to the vehicle. The escrow deposit by the lessor, in fact, is used in particular to cover this deductible.

This solution, of course, is not free and can even cost you several hundred euros, depending on the duration of the rental and the type of vehicle. It also risks overlapping with the insurance offered by your card if it is premium, such as Gold Mastercard or Visa Premier. But it may turn out essential if your debit card is not acceptedor if your bank refuses the pre-authorization, for example, because your balance or payment limit is insufficient.

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How do I get a diffr debit card?

If your bank card is an immediate debit card and you intend to rent a vehicle soon, you have two options. The first is to request an early renewal and switch to a diffr debit card. This renewal is sometimes free, but is generally charged around 13 euros. The deferred debit card is only slightly more expensive: 129.59 euros per year on average, for example, for a deferred debit Visa Premier, compared to 129.49 euros for the immediate debit version.

The other solution is to subscribe to a new card. If your monthly net income exceeds 1800 euros, you can, for example, obtain a free Gold CB Mastercard card from Fortuneo. At Boursorama Banque, you need to have 2,400 euros in monthly income to obtain a Visa Ultim diffr debit card.

How to get a free credit card?

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