why it is urgent to transfer your money to take advantage of the new rate

The remuneration of Livret A and its satellites (LDDS, LEP, CEL) will jump in a week. If you want to take advantage of it without delay, a word of advice: don’t wait until February 1st to make your transfers.

The fateful date is approaching. In a week, Wednesday February 1, the rate of the Livret A will go from 2% to 3%. This will also be the case for the LDDS, while the LEP will drop from 4.6% to 6.1% and the CEL from 1.25% to 2%. Clearly, the remuneration of regulated savings accounts will make a nice jumpwelcome news in these times of high inflation.

The rise in prices (more than 6%, over one year, in the second half of 2022) is in fact eating away at your purchasing power. Especially that of the money that you let hang around in your current account, not paid. In this context, it again becomes very interesting, even strategic, to curb this erosion, to feed his booklets. And of do it in good timeto avoid losing interest.

Do you have more money than you need in your checking account? Would you like to take advantage of the increase in regulated rates? An advice: don’t wait to make your transfers, especially if your current account and your Livret A are not with the same bank. Why? Because the calculation of interest on regulated passbooks works according to the so-called fortnight principle. This means that a payment made between the 1st and the 15th of the month does not begin to produce interest until the 16th. (1).

Clearly, if you wait until February 1 to credit your Livret A, the added sum will only generate income from February 16. It would be a shame: with a 3% savings account, a payment of 1,000 euros produces 1.25 euros in interest every fortnight.

A 3% booklet: this trick to maximize your interests

(1) Similarly, a transfer made between the 16th and the 30th or the 31st only produces interest from the 1st of the following month.

source site-96