why King Charles III didn’t sing God Save The King


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During the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Charles III was very moved when facing his mother’s coffin at the time of the hymn renamed God save the king. As tradition dictates, he is no longer allowed to sing it.

This Monday, September 19, the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II took place in the United Kingdom. Died on September 8, 2022 after 70 years of reign, the monarch left an indelible mark and will be missed by many Britons. The entire royal family gathered at Westminster Abbey to pay their last respects to Elizabeth II. As the funeral service began at middayreligious songs were sung by the choir of Westminster Abbey, the personalities and high dignitaries present on site.

Surrounded by his wife, Camilla, his sons, William and Harry and his daughters-in-law, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, as well as his grandchildren, Charles III was very moved by the coffin of his mother at the time of the anthem renamed god save the king (God save the king, in English). From now on, the monarch is no longer authorized to sing the anthem as tradition dictates. the lyrics of the piece being to his glory.

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A moving scene

While Charles III showed himself worthy in the face of mourning, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth III wanted to leave him a last message. As a British journalist explained, Charles III thus placed a note on his mother’s coffin. “In loving and devoted memory. Charles R“. ( “With love and devotion, Charles R”, in French), one could read. A moving word that testifies to the affection that the heir to the crown had for his late mother.

Lea Ouzan

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