Why Lola Weippert no longer wears a bra

Lola Weippert
The presenter no longer wears a bra

Lola Weippert

© instagram.com/lolaweippert

Presenter Lola Weippert is happy to answer questions from her Instagram community – including private ones. So she now reveals in a video why she no longer wears a bra.

It is a much-discussed topic on which Lola Weippert, 26, now publicly comments on Instagram. It’s about showing breasts and why it’s still considered abnormal for women not to wear a bra. The 26-year-old now explains in a video why Lola is no longer influenced by it.

Lola Weippert answers spicy user question

“Could it be that you’re not wearing a bra?” is a question asked by a user on August 14, 2022. “Obviously it’s like that, I’m not wearing a bra,” begins the former “Let’s Dance” contestant her video. She goes on to say: “It was a long way that I dare to walk around like this,” and adds: “Because I was actually afraid for a very long time that it could be a problem.”

Lola Weippert: “Every woman should have the right to go around without a bra”

In the meantime, the presenter has freed herself from this problem, as she says herself, and hardly wears a bra anymore. The 26-year-old describes the fact that men are allowed to show their breasts and women are not as “a problem in our society”. She goes on to say: “I know male nipples aren’t as sexy as female nipples. Not that much is played with. But I think every woman should have the right to go around without a bra.” Her strong message is: “I don’t care what other people say or think. I just want to encourage all of you: go braless, not just the men.”

She receives a lot of encouragement from her Instagram community

Open words, for which the moderator receives a lot of encouragement from her community. One user writes: “You speak to me from my heart”. Another comments: “Yes! Been without it for years!” and another writes: “Great video, great pretty woman, great statement, great true words.”

This article originally appeared on Gala.de


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