Why oral sex is dangerous for pregnant women


Sex in pregnancy is not only allowed, but also very much desired by the pregnant women themselves. Because the conversion of the hormones often leads in this time to increased libido. However, pregnant women should abstain from oral sex at the latest from the 36th week of pregnancy , because otherwise there may be a risk for the unborn baby!

There are actually very few exceptions where it is better to abstain from sex during pregnancy. For example, if the mother has bleeding or abdominal pain, or her cervix opens early, sex is taboo. Of course, even if the pregnant woman no longer feels fit enough. Especially in the later weeks of pregnancy , women no longer feel physically motivated in their beds due to their growing stomach. Oral sex, however, is a relaxed alternative in which the pregnant woman still gets their money. However, special care is needed, as oral sex during pregnancy can be dangerous for the baby in an emergency.

Oral sex during pregnancy: danger to the baby

How is the increased risk? The reason are herpes viruses, which can be transmitted to the mother during oral sex. “The biggest threat is when a woman gets herpes in the last trimester of pregnancy,” said Terri Warren, author of “The Good News about the Bad News: Herpes: Everything You Need to Know,” on “Vice.com .” Since the immune system is weakened by the pregnancy, the woman’s body can not ward off the infection. At birth, the herpes viruses can then be transferred to the baby – a life-threatening affair for newborns! Antiviral therapy can then be a rescue measure.