Why Roman Empire Technology Still Fascinates Us

We live in an age where exciting new technology is all around us and fresh discoveries or advances appear on a regular basis. Yet, despite this, we remain fascinated with ancient technologies and there are no better examples of this than the way that the Roman Empire created so many innovations that people still want to find out about.

The Architectural Secrets Better Than Current Technology

Our interest in the Roman Empire can be seen in the popularity of classic movies such as Gladiator and Pompeii. 2022 saw the release of Eyes of Roman, based on the story of a soldier who decided to fight for what he truly believes in. It was reported in 2018 that Martin Scorsese is planning to make a TV show based on Julius Caesar, although no updates have been released since then.

The Roman Empire is also one of the most commonly-seen themes in Paddy Power online slot games, including titles such as Reel Empire and Emperor of Rome. These games have the classic slots gameplay where several reels with symbols on them spin around but use images from the Roman Empire and some also include special features based on this period of history. Iconic buildings like the Coliseum and the Pantheon are among the images commonly used, and they have stood the test of time astonishingly well.

This has led to investigators trying to establish what the Roman secret for mixing such durable concrete was. Recent research from MIT suggests that the presence of volcanic ash and tiny lime clasts may provide self-healing properties that explain why their roads, aqueducts, and domes are still in such a good condition now while many more modern structures have collapsed over time.

As discussed by The Collector, their architecture was so good that Roman roads are still in use across Europe, while their aqueducts still carry water and many of their ideas are still used in modern construction. For example, the Roman arch is the basis for many modern arches and Trajan’s Market in Rome is closer to modern shopping centres than could be expected from something built around 100 BCE.

The Unsolved Mysteries

Although scientists and historians have managed to uncover many of the secrets behind Roman technology, there are still enough mysteries to intrigue us. A good example comes with the hollow cubes known as dodecahedrons. Made of copper, over 100 of these objects have been found across Europe and no one knows whether they’re some sort of complex scientific device or just a simple game or even a decorative item.

While the Romans left a large amount of written evidence telling us about their discoveries and their lifestyles, it’s estimated that up to 90% of the ancient city remains hidden, buried under the bustling modern city of Rome. Given the extraordinary nature of many of the past discoveries, we can only imagine what technological treasures we might find if the remains are ever investigated.

The allure of the Roman Empire is sure to continue, with our interest in their technology playing a big part in our ongoing fascination with this culture.