why she doesn’t want a second child, she says it loud and clear

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The famous influencer Caroline Receveur celebrates her 35th birthday this Thursday, November 10. The opportunity to return to his close relationship with his son, little Marlon, and his desire to have no more children.

On July 6, 2018, Caroline Receveur announced great news to her fans. The influencer, who is celebrating her 35th candle this Thursday, November 10, gave birth to her first child, Marlon, fruit of his union with the model Hugo Philip. Since then, the pretty blonde has been living a real waking dream. Fulfilled by her toddler and her lover, Caroline Receveur would not trade her situation for anything in the world. So much so that the question of another child doesn’t even cross his mind. Proof of this is his secrets in his Instagram story of Wednesday, October 5. “It is not planned in the program for many reasons”she said, answering the question of a possible pregnancy.

“We are very close with Marlon, it’s our priority. We both didn’t leave alone without Marlon (by choice) and we’re only just beginning to find a balance family life, professional, personal for a year”she continued, before adding: “We don’t want to spoil this stability which is not easy to maintain.” Because, yes, in addition to being Marlon’s mother, Caroline Receveur is also a particularly busy businesswoman through its clothing brand and its range of hair beauty products. So she doesn’t want “take the risk of wedging a pregnancy and a newborn on top of it, and of rush either our business or the education of the second“.

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“I don’t feel the visceral desire to have a child”

For now, Caroline Receveur is sure of her choice and unwilling to give in to social pressure. On the contrary, the influencer wants to take her time and enjoy the present moment.I don’t feel the visceral desire to have a child currently. If we decide to have a second child with Hugo, we will do it with a lot of love as we wished for Marlon.”, she added. And to conclude: “The fact that Marlon is an only child or is too far in age from the second or my biological clock are not no good reasons for me to have a second child at all costs.” It has the merit of being clear.

Tanguy Jaillant

Pop culture journalist

Captivated by the digital world, Tanguy is passionate about pop culture. He spends his time on social networks, in front of series and video games in search…

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