why should you avoid eating too many raw vegetables


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Sunny days are coming and salads have never been so popular on our plates. But beware of excesses, the overconsumption of raw vegetables could have the opposite effects of those originally desired.

The sun shines everywhere in France, and for Stay hydrated in hot weather restaurant menus give pride of place to salads. There’s something for everyone, from the lightest to the heartiest, but in most cases, they are refreshing and contain foods rich in fibre, minerals and antioxidants. This is an opportunity for those who have a little trouble with fruits and raw vegetables to stock up on vitamins. Eating carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, lettuce or any good raw food is good for your health. To preserve the most vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function, it is necessary to avoid cooking them as much as possible. But like everything, beware of excess ! Overconsumption of fresh fruits or vegetables can have the opposite effects to those originally desired. And for good reason, this can cause intestinal upsets and disorders.

Why should we limit our consumption of raw fruits?

It is recommended eat one serving of raw vegetables a day. The body needs it to facilitate transit, but too much raw fiber could weaken the intestines. Regarding fruits, it’s a bit the same rule to follow: you should not eat more than two a day. And for good reason, even if they are rich in water and antioxidants, they can be the cause of bloating in case of overconsumption. Moreover, it should not be forgotten thatthey also contain a lot of sugar (the equivalent of three to four sugars each) and that they can therefore be responsible for weight gain. You understood, it’s a bit like everything in food: You can eat anything, but in moderation!

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