Why Smart #1 doesn’t want Android Auto and Apple CarPlay

Unlike most of its competitors, the new Smart #1 is not compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Smart #1

Even a few years ago, mirroring was still not widespread and unknown to most motorists. Admittedly, some manufacturers offered it, but this device was still in its infancy and was actually quite underdeveloped, with a relatively small catalog of compatible applications. But today, things have changed very markedly, with the democratization of these systems.

Currently, the vast majority of vehicles are equipped with a touch screen, and are compatible with a mirroring system. But as this technology has evolved, the big names in tech have taken it over, like Google and Apple, which quickly created Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. Present in most driving positions today, these devices have become essential over the years.

Not at Smart

If many motorists have the reflex to connect their smartphone to take advantage of Waze or Spotify, future owners of the new Smart SUV #1 will have to review their habits. Indeed, this newcomer to the range will not be equipped with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. An astonishing decision at first sight, but which is in fact very easily explained, by the strategy of the Sino-German firm.

Indeed, Smart, now under the aegis of Mercedes and Geely has decided not to sign a partnership with Apple and Android, in order to design its own system. As pointed out by our colleagues fromInsideEVs, it would then be so successful that users would no longer feel the need to connect their smartphone. According to the brand, the car’s on-board system would even work better than the latter.

A sense of deja vu

If Smart seems to be an exception, this is actually not really the case. Indeed, you have probably already noticed that no Tesla model is compatible with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. It is then necessary to go through third-party applications to be able to use these systems. This may seem somewhat surprising, when several explanations have been put forward to explain this curious situation, which is sometimes a bit disabling for users.

If nothing has been officially said, it seems that this situation results from a certain rivalry between the boss of the brand, and the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook. Musk would have strongly criticized the firm at the apple, saying that it was ” the cemetery of former Tesla employees “. However, nothing explains the lack of compatibility with Android Auto, while the brand’s vehicles use Google Maps for navigation.

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