Why the Instagram algorithm promotes the sexualization of photos and videos: when the body becomes a commodity

Alexandre Boero

Clubic news manager

October 31, 2023 at 10:08 a.m.


woman Instagram © Hrecheniuk Oleksii / Shutterstock

A woman taking a photo of herself after her sports session © Hrecheniuk Oleksii / Shutterstock

Studies are multiplying to show that slightly sexualized content is favored by Instagram. Because the sexualization of sport or travel, in particular, influences publications and interactions.

When Laura Kummerle, 376,000 followers, decided to change the tone of her fitness-focused Instagram posts, she probably didn’t expect such a reaction from her audience. His publication, more particularly focused on gluteal work, generated colossal engagement and boosted the sales of his training programs.

The sexualization of content once again proved that posts of women in underwear or shirtless men were more likely to appear in news feeds than so-called “normal” content. How does this trend of showing off one’s body affect content creators and users?

Sport, sex and social networks: the troubled equation of Instagram

Sexualization on Instagram has become more than visible, and we are not talking here about young women or young men who only aim to redirect you to their OnlyFans, no. Here, we touch on areas such as sport, fitness or even travel, with creators who no longer hesitate to expose their bodies up and down. But we must understand that this trend actually seems to be directly fueled by Instagram’s algorithm, which favors content that is mildly sexualized, without being explicit.

Figures from various studies, such as the one conducted by Galaxy Marketing, show that posts featuring photos of women in underwear or bikinis are 54% more likely to appear on your news feed. When it comes to photos of shirtless men, the probability increases by 28%.

Nicolas Kayser-Bril, analyst at the NGO Algorithm Watch, suggests that this trend is not only linked to sexualization, but also and above all to algorithmic factors. Instagram could favor this type of content, given that the Internet is, in general, flooded with pornographic photos and videos, and that certain platforms are among the most visited in the world.

Instagram of Laura Kummerle

The post that caused Laura Kummerle’s Instagram account statistics to soar © Instagram @paradigmofperfection

Instagram, sport and sexualization: the algorithm that influences our perception

Some users inevitably exploit this trend by posting sexually suggestive content to quickly gain subscribers. Then they delete them to put them for sale on dedicated and sexually explicit platforms, such as MYM and OnlyFans.

Sexualization has an impact on content creators but also on consumers. It plays on feelings like self-perception and body satisfaction. Some studies show that exposure to sexualized beauty ideals can reduce body satisfaction, particularly among adolescent girls.

Experts debate the impact of this trend on Instagram. Some consider that sexualization can be a means of empowerment, allowing users to take control of their own image and present themselves to the world. However, others believe the platform copies the sexualization patterns of traditional advertising and penalizes those who deviate from the norm.


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  • Easy interactions through many channels (posts, Stories, messaging, etc.)
  • A social network adapted to user preferences in managing their account
  • Many types of content to create, share and consult

    Source : Galaxy Marketing, El País

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