why the new twitter is working on id card verification

According to a screenshot shared by a user, it seems that Twitter, or rather X, is currently working on the possibility of having your profile verified using an ID card. It is very likely that Elon Musk’s firm is preparing the ground for its all-in-one social network, especially for bank transfers.

Credits: Unsplash

Not a day goes by without something new disturbing the tranquility of Twitter. The last big change to date is of course the change of name for the social network, now supposed to be called X despite the reluctance of users. Beyond a simple new logo, a whole long-term strategy is looming for Elon Musk’s company, which has never hidden its desire to compete with its Chinese rival WeChat.

It is precisely this objective that could explain the strange discovery made by Nima Owji, shared on her Twitter account. The latter has indeed published a screenshot of Elon Musk’s profile, which displays the mention “This account is verified by ID card”. Knowing that the billionaire has a habit of teasing new features by using them himself, there is a good chance that it will soon be deployed to the general public.

X sets the stage for its all-in-one social network

As Nima Owji notes in a second publication, this is not the first time that Twitter has worked on this project. His return to Elon Musk’s profile therefore seems to mean that the latter is still on the table, which is not very surprising. In Nima Owji’s comments, another user points out what might just be the reason behind this new feature.

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“They have no choice if they want to get into finance,” explains this. At present, this seems the most likely hypothesis. Among all the new features planned to make X the famous all-in-one platform that Elon Musk dreams of, there is in particular the possibility of transferring money between users. While there are no signs that this feature is coming soon, the ability to have your identity verified is certainly a first step in that direction.

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