Why the seats of Xiaomi’s electric car are already in poor condition

The Xiaomi SU7, the brand’s first electric car, seems to be an absolute hit in China, just a few days after its launch. Problem: photos show exposed model seats in a sad state… but that’s not so surprising. Here’s why.

Source: Weibo

The Xiaomi SU7 seems to be the star of electric cars at the start of 2024. After a first presentation in December 2023, the brand launched the marketing of its first electric car a few days ago, and the ratio between its prices well placed and its cutting-edge technologies panic the counters.

Xiaomi announced that it had received 88,898 orders in just 24 hours (of which more than 40,000 were firm), which is phenomenal. Unfortunately, some details are wrinkled, and several photos of SU7 seats displayed in dealerships show worrying signs of wear. What is the reason ?

A worrying state, but a rational explanation

Images posted on Weibo, and grouped by the Chinese site MyDriversthus show extremely dirty seats of a demonstration car, with signs of wear, quite incomprehensible in a few days.

It was enough to make Internet users react, forcing Xiaomi to speak out publicly. “As part of the current influx of customers far exceeding expectations, many stores received almost 10,000 visits in a single day”explains the brand on Weibo.

Normally they look like this // Source: Xiaomi

“We are unable to confirm whether hard objects scratched the seat leather or whether mishandling caused damage during this intensive use.”she continues, before recalling that “the number of passengers and the intensity of each test far exceed normal use scenarios”.

A situation far from unprecedented

Xiaomi still takes note of the criticism, and indicates: “We will further strengthen our in-store service capabilities and improve the cleaning and maintenance guarantees of test vehicles”. Finally, to reassure the (very many) customers waiting for their SU7, the brand ensures that the seats are included in the car’s warranty.

So, certainly, the images are impressive, but Xiaomi’s explanation is completely understandable. Let’s do a quick calculation: at the rate of three entries and exits per day in your car (high hypothesis, let’s be honest), that’s 1,095 movements per year on a seat. There, 10,000 people obviously came to sit in a single day!

Xiaomi SU7 // Source: Xiaomi

Let us also remember that, at each major car show (like that of Paris, which attracted more than 1.4 million visitors in 2004), all manufacturers have a cleaning service dedicated to the cars on display, which pass continuously. Every evening, a team is also responsible for restoring the models using an entire stock of spare parts.

In short, even if the images impress and may raise questions, it is important to keep a cool head.

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