Why the trend for “nolo” cocktails will make you salivate

Alcohol-free cocktails are no longer just fruit juice and strawberry syrup. With the trend of “nolo”, drinks with little or no alcohol are becoming a real institution.

Openings of bars and restaurants, terraces with friends to celebrate sunny days, this is the liberating cocktail that many have been waiting for lately. But if the crisis has taught us anything, it is to take care of our health. While some have already adopted well-being routines, the “nolo” trend could quickly convince the less interested. Fun and creative, these cocktails with savory and daring notes appeal to new generations.

What is the “nolo” trend?

The “nolo” is the combination of “no alcohol” and “low alcohol by volume”. This trend promotes cocktails without alcohol or containing a low alcohol content. Coming straight from Great Britain, the “nolo” trend makes alcohol-free popular and sobriety appealing. In the midst of a period of awareness of the importance of well-being and health, millennials proudly welcome this alcohol-free fashion. According to the survey ESCAPAD conducted by the OFDT in mainland France, in 2017, the rate of regular alcohol consumption among 17-year-olds was the lowest since 2000. The market for non-alcoholic drinks (or only very few) is growing. is gradually opening up and demand is constantly increasing. This kind of cocktails could well serve as a remedy for the problems of addiction to alcoholic beverages.

To see also: These cocktails (with or without alcohol) lower in calories than the others

Why this trend is attracting more and more

The fashion of healthy is gaining momentum thanks to millennials and is found through social networks through #soberlife, going much further than the “Dry Juanuary” phenomenon. Today, the more you go through mocktails, the cooler you look. This is also explained by the representation of alcohol among young people. This generation is made up mostly of “social drinkers”. These young people rarely drink a glass of alcohol at home, it is especially during outings that alcohol flows freely. Young people consume more alcohol in the home, but only when they meet with friends, alcohol being more expensive in bars. According to a study done in 2019, on the site YouGov, 60% of millennials regularly drank beers at home compared to 37% in a bar or restaurant.

Great news for your health

“Sam, he’s the one who doesn’t drink,” but he doesn’t have to be the sacrificed part of the gang. With the “nolo” Sam can allow himself a fun and fancy drink that may even contain a little alcohol. But only if it respects the authorized limit to be able to get back behind the wheel. Knowing that alcohol is the second leading cause of traffic accidents, the “nolo” tendency could convince more than one person to limit their alcohol consumption.

While it is recommended not to exceed 10 glasses of alcohol per week, even at low doses, alcohol can have harmful effects on your health. In addition to reducing drinking and driving, the trend of “nolo” has other benefits, especially in the prevention of different types of cancer. Alcohol is the second leading cause of cancer death according to the National Cancer Institute. A risk factor, however preventable, like tobacco.

To see also: Mocktails: 6 classics of alcohol-free mixology

More advanced cocktail creations

The development of original cocktails takes off. Between a jasmine drink, with a smoky aftertaste, or made from infusions of exotic plants and berries, non-alcoholic drinks make you dream and dethrone the famous mojito. You no longer have to settle for bland, flavorless cocktails. But the “nolo” trend doesn’t stop at the cocktail doors. It is developing in the wine, spirits and beer market. You may have already drunk a fruity non-alcoholic beer, has that taken away all the freshness and flavor of a classic beer? Companies are profiting from this craze and other forms are derived from “nolo”, such as the invention of alcohol-free bars. In France, you now have the possibility of finding “dry bars”. Enough to enjoy a drink on the terrace, combining responsibility and originality.

The advantages and disadvantages of an alcohol-free cocktail

There is no discrimination against this kind of drink. Accessible even to children, the non-alcoholic drink is initially appreciated for its price. Alcohol skyrockets the price of a glass. In its absence, the cost becomes more reasonable. Another positive point is that you eat more fruit. Cocktail mixologists juggle with classic fruits, but also more exotic ones. It is a discovery that is offered to you during the tasting. Be careful, however, not to abuse it. The “nolo” cocktail can be used as an alternative, but in large quantities, you may be surprised by some effects. Juices, or even just fruit, already contain some sugar. But to make the cocktail even more gourmet certain.es do not hesitate to add more. Cavities, calories and diabetes await you in case of excess.

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Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …