why this nickname of “the most famous guy in the Tarn” is very telling


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Le Mystère Jubillar by Ronan Folgoas was released in bookstores on March 17. The author answered aufeminin’s questions on his investigative book, in particular on the personality of Cédric Jubillar.

The case of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar fascinates. Everyone can visualize the initial context and imagine the last time we saw the missing person: we see this “mom night nurse who is at home, we can visualize her well during her last TV evening with her son. It is also a case that fits into a region, that of Albi, we are talking about two children from country”, explains Ronan Folgoas, author of an investigative book entitled The Jubillar Mystery. This journalist from Le Parisien makes a point of specifying that his work is neither an indictment nor a plea.

He agreed to talk to aufeminin about the personality of Cédric Jubillar, who met him twice. Ronan Folgoas says it right from the start: “his character is complex, he can have many facets, and I tell the facet he showed me, I’m careful about that”. One of Cédric Jubillar’s formulas that has caused the most ink to flow is the one where he describes himself as “the most famous guy in the Tarn”, and for the journalist, it allows us to understand an aspect of the man. This sentence, Cédric pronounces it as a joke when ordering food, while Ronan Folgoas is having dinner with him. According to the author, this sentence “summarizes in a way his troubling relationship to notoriety, he is a young man who seems to be in a desperate quest for recognition; moreover it is a formula that shows the facet of self-derision of which he is capable”.

A web of clues

Ronan Folgoas also talks about Cédric Jubillar’s gray areas, like when he talks about his wife in quite negative terms: “when I meet him he doesn’t express any grief or pain, it’s confusing because time doesn’t seem to stand still for him”. If the number one suspect maintains his innocence, “a web of clues converge towards Cédric Jubillar but there is no irrefutable proof to date” explains Ronan Folgoas.
It also describes a man who doesn’t give a damn about appearances, as evidenced by the appearance of their house, totally under construction and messy from the outside. The Jubillar Mystery by Ronan Folgoas can be found in bookstores, and does not replace the judicial inquiry still in progress. The book provides a clear return to the whole affair since the night of December 15 to 16, 2020.

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …

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