Why use a VPS server for online gaming?

THE VPS servers offer reliable performance and unrivaled flexibility for hosting websites, applications, messaging services and even online video games.

Among the different market players, we can cite Hostinger which is considered the best option at the moment, or even Godaddy And bluehost. Launched in 2004 as a startup, Hostinger has grown into a leading provider of web hosting solutions, with over a million customers in over 150 countries and data centers in France and around the world.

Their servers offer great value for money with affordable pricing and 8 different plans depending on your needs, excellent performance as well as options for number of vCPUs, RAM, SSD storage and bandwidth. Responsive customer support is also available 24 hours a day.

Let’s now see in more detail what a VPS is and how it can be useful to you, in particular for online games.

What is a VPS?

A VPS server (Virtual Private Server) is a virtual private server. This means that the host uses the resources of a physical server to create a virtual server dedicated to your exclusive use. You thus benefit from all the functionalities of a dedicated server without having to bear the total cost.

Additionally, since the resources assigned to you are private, you do not share them with other sites as is the case with a shared server.

Even though it is a virtual space in a physical server that can contain other virtual spaces, you will have access to more power than with a standard shared server. However, note that you will not have as much as with a dedicated server where you then have all of the physical resources of the server to yourself.

Why use a VPS?

The main reason is simply power: the performance offered by a VPS server far exceeds that of a basic server, which means that the pages of your site will load faster for visitors.

With a shared server, a spike in traffic on your site or on one of the sites hosted on the same server can significantly slow down page loading, forcing potential customers to leave. This problem does not occur with a VPS server because your resources are not shared.

A VPS server is therefore recommended for any site with moderate traffic which sometimes experiences peaks of activity, in order to offer a smooth and optimal experience to your users.

Another advantage is the possibility of managing your own server, unlike a shared server where you can only manage your site and not the server itself. With full root access, you can configure and optimize your website resources according to your needs.

How to choose a VPS?

The main criterion to consider when purchasing a VPS server is its performance, so that it remains smooth and fast to use even during traffic spikes. To do this, you must check:

  • The quantity of storage space made available,
  • The type of storage you will use (SSD preferably),
  • The type of processor offered by the host,
  • Bandwidth capacity,
  • The allocated RAM (minimum 4 GB).

You will also need to take into account the availability of your website: uptime and downtime. Uptime represents the time during which your site is available and functioning correctly, while downtime corresponds to the time during which it is not. This could be caused by various factors, such as server issues, software updates, etc.

If your site suffers too much downtime, you risk losing a significant number of customers. Therefore, choose hosts who can guarantee an uptime of 99.99%.

Also check that two-factor authentication or a protection system against DDoS attacks are provided, and that customer support is available 24/7 in the event of a problem.

Finally, it may be interesting to opt for a host offering an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection. An SSL connection guarantees encryption of all data passing through your website (personal data, credit card information or any other type of payment), thus ensuring your protection and that of your customers. Most hosting providers offer this service for free with the purchase of a server.

A VPS server for online video games?

Online video games often require significant resources in terms of computing power and bandwidth to ensure smooth performance and an optimal gaming experience. A VPS can provide dedicated resources and ensure consistent performance, which is essential for online gaming where latency and slowdowns have a significant impact on gameplay.

With a VPS, you benefit from:

  • Total control over your gaming world: you can install and configure software and settings according to your preferences.
  • An isolated and secure environment that protects you from attacks and guarantees the confidentiality of your game data and online communications.
  • Highly scalable: a VPS can adapt to your changing needs, for example with more power to accommodate more players or to run more complex mods and expansions.
  • Access to your game server from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have an Internet connection.
  • Quick and easy configuration with a wizard: configuring your server yourself can indeed be complex if you do not have the necessary programming knowledge, and you will also need a high-performance and therefore expensive computer to accommodate a large number of players.

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