Why use two spoonfuls of honey in the evening to lose weight


Losing weight with a diet that sweetens our everyday life? Sounds too good to be true. With the honey method our extra pounds should tumble in no time – in the video you can see how exactly you should take the honey for this method in the evening.

Nutritionist and pharmacist Mike McInnes promises a small sensation in his book The Honey Diet . Only two tablespoons of honey in the evening should help us to lose 1.5 kilograms a week. In a month, that would be six kilograms of weight loss – sounds like a diet that is easy to implement. But the devil is known to be in the details, because at first waiver is announced …

This is how the honey diet works

McInnes divides his nutritional concept into two phases: The first phase is an appeal to us that we should eat more consciously and healthier. The second phase should help us lose weight. However, both phases have one thing in common: sugar is replaced by honey .

In both phases, we should refrain from fast foods, light products, soft drinks and finished products and instead rely on fresh and natural foods. In the evening the sleeping draft is used – the recipe for that you see in the video above . The second phase also includes a carbohydrate-free day per week. On the menu are whole grains instead of white flour products, masses of protein and fruit in moderation.

Why honey is suitable as a dietary remedy

Honey has a slightly anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antihypertensive effect – but above all has the advantage that the sugar molecules are transported via the blood to the liver. There, the fructose is dissolved out, converted into glucose and stored in the glycogen storage of the liver. The whole thing prevents the body from having excessive blood sugar levels indicating that insulin needs to be spilled and fat put on.

In addition to the support of the glucose pump, honey has other benefits: it quenches cravings, protects the heart and the liver, makes us more powerful and strengthens the immune system. And: it prevents sleep disorders. If that’s no reason to grab the Honey Hot Drink in the evening.