Why women 60+ are better equipped for relationships

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3 reasons why women 60+ are even better prepared for relationships

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Oh, love. It is a mystery to many and will probably always remain so to some extent. But the good news is that as we get older, we are better prepared for them and for our relationships. We’ll explain to you how.

The fact that we are generally more suitable for relationships in our 30s, 40s or 50s than we were in our 20s is explained by our life experiences. We have made mistakes, hopefully learned from them – and can thus improve our love life little by little. We learn what makes a loving relationship and know what is important to us and our partner. Even without a long-term relationship, as a so-called “silver single”, we have improved our knowledge from our own experiences and those of friends and family members. Because all these moments, even if only subconsciously, do not pass us by without a trace.

Why women 60+ have better relationships

Sexuality is not something that suddenly disappears with age and neither is love. Even if films or other media sometimes portray it that way. Preferences can certainly change, but the extent to which sex or intimacy takes place is individual at each age. And relationships have even been linked in studies to health benefits like lower blood pressure and even longer life. Older people often know what they really value in their relationships, as these examples show:

They focus less on self-expression

When we are young, we are usually preoccupied with presenting ourselves in the best possible light. Our attractiveness and our previous achievements are the focus – but older people know that these things are nice to have, but not a must. They are more likely to focus on the right values. When looking for a new relationship, they focus on matches that really matter. For example, the importance of their family, honesty, authenticity or similar interests. Emotional and physical health are more important to them than superficial things.

They approach their relationships with more calm

At a young age, the pressures of society often come into play when dating. You have to do this or that. Start a family, buy a house, and so on. At 60+, these things have either already happened or people have found peace with the fact that it wasn’t their wishes at all, but those of others that they lived according to at the time. What really counts is what makes you and a potential partner happy in the long term. They prefer to work on their relationship or their dating life in peace instead of letting others talk them into it and make better decisions as a result.

They know what’s not good for them

There are relationships that can last until the end of your life and those where separation was the better choice. As we get older, many people become aware of what is and isn’t part of a healthy relationship. For example, controlling or manipulative behavior does not belong in your love life. Sometimes we end up with internal scars after our relationships, which only slowly fade with a lot of work and time and make it difficult for us to trust again. And sometimes it’s not due to negative behavior, but rather conflicting ideas that are incompatible in life together. Lovers with more years of life can often assess these things better. They know when it is better to let a person go so that they and themselves can be happy – and when it is worth working on love. After all, we are never too old to love.

Sources used: psychologytoday.com, ncoa.org, familyresourcehomecare.com


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