Why you absolutely must urinate after sex

Although the urge to cuddle in bed may overwhelm the urge to urinate, skipping the toilet after sex is not recommended. We explain why.

After sex, it is essential to urinate. This precaution should not be overlooked, especially if you are regularly prone to cystitis. To take care of our sexual health and prevent urinary tract infections, urinating should be part of our post-sex reflexes. But why is it important to pee after having sex? Should we follow this advice when practicing solitary sex? We take stock.

The importance of urinating after sex

Not going to urinate after sex increases the risk of a urinary tract infection. In question ? Enterobacteriaceae which, propelled by friction and back and forth movements, run along the urethral canal (very short in women) connecting the bladder to the outside of the body and thus promote cystitis. In women, the proximity of the anus to the urinary meatus (the external opening of the urethra) greatly facilitates the urethra's access to intestinal bacteria originating from the rectum. In addition, the urethral canal is only 2 centimeters in women, while it is longer in men at about 15 centimeters. As Jean Marc Bohbot, infectious disease specialist, explains in his book The vaginal microbiota (ed. Marabout), "The length of the urethra explains why women get cystitis and not men! A simple matter of centimeters ”.

Emptying the bladder after intercourse helps release the germs that have entered the urethra into the urine stream.

Cystitis is not transmitted by the partner

Sexual intercourse is a factor favoring urinary tract infections by its purely mechanical aspect. However, the microbes responsible for urinary tract infections are ours and are not transmitted by the partner. They live in the vestibule, which is the entrance to the vagina. While two-person treatment for STIs is essential, it is therefore unnecessary in cystitis. According to Jean Marc Bohbot, certain sexual positions are more prone to cystitis, "That of the missionary at the top of the list", he says in his book. "On the other hand, with 'doggy style', the chances of contamination are lower", he writes. It is also important to note that the condom has no protective effect. It loads up with E. coli like a naked penis, and carries germs with it.

Masturbation, sextoy … Should you urinate after solo sex?

According to doctor Doreen Chung, specialist in female urology, interviewed by Refinery29, UTIs tend to be associated with penetrative sex. During non-penetrating sex, bacteria are less likely to come into contact with the urethra. If your pleasure routine involves any penetration (with a finger, vibrator, dildo, or other object), it is best to urinate afterwards. "If you only do non-penetrating stimulation during masturbation (such as clitoral stimulation), you are less likely to get a UTI"says Dr Chung. So it is not as important to urinate afterwards. And since we are talking about masturbation, remember that it is essential to clean your sex toy before and after use. This not only prolongs its lifespan but also prevents bacteria from building up and spreading – which could lead to UTIs.

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The vaginal microbiota, Jean-Marc Bohbot and Rica Etienne, eds. Pocket Marabout

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