Why you should drink whiskey when you have a cold

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Why you should drink whiskey when you have a cold

© Svittlana / Shutterstock

It scratches your throat and runny nose? Then you should have some whiskey – says US doctor Dr. William Schaffner. But what's the point?

As soon as autumn arrives, people are coughing and sneezing again everywhere. If you are around a lot, you can usually only avoid the common cold in the long run with a really strong immune system. But what if we got caught? Then according to the American doctor Dr. Treat William Schaffner to a drink with whiskey. "The alcohol dilates the blood vessels, which makes it easier for the body to fight the infection," said Dr. Schaffner, who works at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told ABC News.

Hot Toddy: The ultimate drink for a cold?

It's strange, after all, we usually only hear that we should drink our chamomile, peppermint or ginger tea if we have a cold. And there's nothing wrong with that either – but a hot drink with a (and really only one, please!) shot of whiskey can also make us feel better when we have a cold. The ultimate drink combination for the so-called "hot toddy": lemon juice, hot water, a teaspoon of honey and whiskey. The honey soothes the sore throat and the hot water helps to swell the mucous membranes, which soothes a cold nose.

Always in moderation, please

As seductive as that sounds – the Hot Toddy is not a free ticket to completely kill yourself if you have an infection. Then, in addition to the classic cold symptoms, there is at most a hangover. Because: Alcohol removes fluids from the body, of which it needs a lot, especially when we are sick. Better: Have a hot toddy and otherwise drink plenty of water and tea. Then the common cold will soon be a thing of the past!

Even more tips for colds

Did the cold really get you? Then you can act gently against it. We explain how this works in our articles Home Remedies For Colds, Home Remedies For Coughs, And Home Remedies For Colds.

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