Wife calls her husband misogynistic because she should hide her tattoos

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Wife calls her husband misogynistic because she is supposed to hide her tattoos from his grandma

© Bilanol / Shutterstock

They are newly married and the very sick grandmother is about to get to know her grandson’s wife for the first time. She wears tattoos on her arms and upper body, which would disturb the grandma because of bad memories.

AITA, the Reddit user Electronic_Animal_75, wrote in front of his question, to which he was looking for an answer on the discussion platform, an abbreviation for At I The Asshole. When questions are introduced in this way, there are no discussions there as usual, but a simple vote of the users with yes or no. His question afterward was “… if I ask my wife to cover her tattoos when we visit my grandma?” To anticipate it right away: The users decided that this man is not an asshole, because his request had good reasons.

“My wife has tattoos that cover her arms and chest,” Electronic_Animal_75 describes her appearance. He says that his parents grew up in Japan, where tattoos are mostly associated with criminal gangs. For this reason, his parents were initially opposed to this body jewelry, but ultimately accepted it after many discussions.

Perhaps a last visit to Grandma is on the agenda

His grandmother, on the other hand, actually grew up surrounded by gangs. Her brother had been a member of such a gang himself and died in one of the related activities, leaving her grandmother with bad memories of gangs and tattoos. The user says that he and his wife got married during the pandemic, so his grandmother doesn’t know her yet and doesn’t know anything about the tattoos. She would now like to get to know his wife. Now the family had found out that the grandmother was ill and might not have much longer to live, so plans were made to visit the old lady as soon as possible.

In order not to shock the grandmother, User Electronic_Animal_75 and his parents advised the young wife to cover up the tattoos for the visit. At future encounters, if there were any more, they wanted to slowly help the grandma overcome her prejudices about tattoos, so that the woman could show her arms and upper body without hesitation. But for this first and possibly last visit, the grandmother should spend a pleasant time with her family.

The wife showed no understanding

The user’s wife reacted angrily and said it was very misogynistic. The tattoos and her body are an important part of her personality that she doesn’t want to hide. In a way, Electronic_Animal_75 understood that, he was only interested in the grandmother’s wellbeing. But his wife would also otherwise wear long sleeves and other clothing where her tattoos could not be seen. So she didn’t have to pretend to be too big. The man made her the offer that she could stay home if she really was against it – which upset his wife even more. Hence his question: AITA because I asked my wife to hide her tattoos?

This article originally appeared on stern.de.

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