Wife of FC Bayern President Herbert Hainer dies

Death after serious illness
FC Bayern President Hainer mourns wife

A bereavement at FC Bayern Munich. According to a report, the wife of Bayern President Herbert Hainer has died. Angelika Hainer will be buried in the presence of her closest family and friends.

Former Adidas boss Herbert Hainer has to cope with another blow of fate. As the “Bild” newspaper reports, the 70-year-old president of FC Bayern Munich is mourning the loss of his wife. Angelika Hainer died at the age of 66. “I would have liked to have stayed a little longer,” it says in an obituary.

According to the report, details about the exact circumstances of her death are not known. However, the “Bild” newspaper reports that she was afflicted by several serious illnesses. Angelika Hainer is to be buried in the presence of her closest family and friends.

For Hainer, this is already the second death in his immediate family: in 2006, his daughter Kathrin died of a pulmonary embolism one day after her 23rd birthday. A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the lungs. She needs to be treated in hospital as quickly as possible.

According to reports, Angelika and Herbert Hainer met in Dingolfing. The future Adidas boss ran a pub there while studying business administration. The couple were married for more than 30 years.

Hainer was CEO of Adidas from 2001 to 2016. In November 2019, he was elected President of FC Bayern, succeeding Uli Hoeneß.

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