Will Anne-Sophie Lapix fall? Straightness, ironic smiles… it divides more and more

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Bad atmosphere at France Télévision… According to The Parisianon newsstands this Sunday June 9, 2024, the audiences for the 8 p.m. news on France 2 are down significantly this season, to the point of seriously worrying the president of the public service Delphine Ernotte and her number two Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez. If Julian Bugier at 1 p.m. suffers a moderate drop, and achieves honorable scores against Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, the figures achieved this season by Anne-Sophie Lapix and Laurent Delahousse are much more problematic

In detail, Anne-Sophie Lapix shows a significant drop in 355,000 viewers over a year. His newspapers attracted only 4.4 million viewers this season, compared to 5.3 million for Gilles Bouleau. The TF1 journalist widens the gap, with 980,000 more viewers than his competitor, compared to only 520,000 last year… A deceleration which is also seen at the weekend, with Laurent Delahousse, who lost more than 350,000 faithfuland who sees his gap with Anne-Claire Coudray increase to 1.2 million…

Politicians want the head of Anne-Sophie Lapix

It was enough for tongues to loosen. Without surprise, Anne-Sophie Lapix acts as a fuseand many public service executives castigate her, and point the finger at her tone as well as the editorial line she adopted this season: “The 20 Hours is too sad, the angles to decipher the news are often negative, or macroeconomic, far from the daily concerns of the French” deplores one of them. Politicians, many of whom have been calling for the head of Anne-Sophie Lapix for several seasons, are taking the opportunity to criticize her once again “his rectitude” And “his ironic smiles”.

This Sunday, June 9, the one who has just interviewed President Emmanuel Macron gave an interview to La Tribune Sunday, in which she returned to the sometimes aggressive or ironic tone that she can adopt in her newspapers and during her interviews, and that politicians criticize her for. An irreverence that she willingly acceptsdespite the significantly declining audience scores that it has been facing for several months: “My goal is not to be aggressive. When I arrived at 20 Heures, I also tried to erase my irony, which was not poorly received when I presented a political program on Canal+. Afterwards, yes, it m I always get a little smile when I ask teasing questions. This is not well received by some guests. But too bad, we can’t control everything !”

The fate of Karine Baste already seems sealed

The wife of the boss of Publicis can count on the unfailing support of his boss. In the midst of a storm, Delphine Ernotte continues to defend the woman she herself chose and appointed at the head of the 20h of France 2 seven years earlier, thus compensating for the brutal dismissal of David Pujadas. Will Anne-Sophie Lapix suffer the same fate? Asked by La Tribune Sunday on the falling audiences for her news, the journalist recognizes a decline which she attributes to Médiamétrie: “In November and December, we were in great shape. In January it started to be difficult. I don’t really have any explanations (…) Perhaps the new way of measuring Médiamétrie’s audience does it play a role at the margins (…) I’m not going to lie to you by telling you that I don’t care about the audiences. It’s a fight, because it’s important to inform as many people as possible. So, yes, I watch them every day at 9:01.”

For now, always after The Parisian, management would be more interested in the Karine Baste case. The reigning joker of Anne-Sophie Lapix for four seasons should take the exit door in the coming weeks. Indeed, the way of presenting the newspapers, sometimes hazardous, would be “far from being unanimous”. Two names are already on everyone’s lips to succeed him: Thomas Sotto, already Laurent Delahousse’s joker at the weekend, and Maya Lauquewho brilliantly replaced Anne-Sophie Lapix a few months ago.

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