will I be able to receive a reversion if I marry late?

Question to an expert

I got married late, will I still be eligible for the survivor’s pension and will its amount be reduced?

In a couple, when one of the spouses dies, the survivor can obtain a right to the deceased’s pension: this is the survivor’s pension. It is calculated as a percentage (variable depending on the scheme) of the pension that the deceased spouse received or would have received, and it is sometimes means-tested.

As for the condition of duration of marriage, it has disappeared in many pension plans. This is the case, in particular, for employees in the private sector, who come under the general scheme for their basic pension and the Agirc-Arrco for their supplement: in these schemes, whether you have been married for two weeks, two years or forty years will not change your rights to reversion, you will be able to receive it, and in full.

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With one exception, however, if the deceased spouse has been married several times – this does not affect the right to reversion, but it may be proportionate according to the duration of the marriages.

Among the regimes which continue to apply a condition of marriage duration, one can cite those of the civil service, in which it is generally necessary to have been married for at least four years. Unless the couple had a child. A minimum marriage period is for example also often imposed for the supplementary retirement of the Liberals.

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Please note, the survivor’s pension only concerns married couples or having been. If you are or have been “only” in a partner or in a civil partnership, you will not have or give any rights. This could represent a considerable “loss of earnings” in terms of spousal protection. In all cases, it will be necessary to be attentive because the reversion is not obtained automatically, it is asked.

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