“Will not have peace”: Selenskyj makes a clear declaration of war

“Will Have No Peace”
Selenskyj makes a clear declaration of war

The Ukrainian President Selenskyj announces fierce resistance to the enemies of his country. In a video message, he explains that occupiers “didn’t have a quiet minute” in Ukraine. He speaks of 9,000 Russians killed and scoffs at Moscow’s “friends”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has declared a tough fight against his country’s opponents. “You won’t have peace here, you won’t have food here, you won’t have a quiet minute here,” said the 44-year-old in a video message that night. Occupiers would only get one thing from the Ukrainians: “So fierce resistance that they will always remember that we will not give up what is ours.”

Within a week (since Russia’s invasion) Ukraine thwarted plans that the “enemy” had been preparing for years. Selenskyj spoke of almost 9,000 Russians killed. The morale of the Russian army is deteriorating. Russian soldiers were being taken prisoner every day. “And they only say one thing. They don’t know what they’re here for,” he said.

Referring to the UN General Assembly, in which most countries on Wednesday in New York supported a resolution condemning Russia’s attack, Zelenskyy said: 141 countries voted for Ukraine, for Russia 4 – North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, Belarus. “This is the list. These are the friends.”

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry had previously reported that more than 5,840 Russian soldiers had been killed since the war began. The Russian Ministry of Defense disagreed. According to him, 498 Russian soldiers have been killed so far. These were the first official numbers from Russia since the beginning of the war. The information is not independently verifiable.

The world community had previously condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine by a historically large majority and called on Moscow to end its aggression. In the vote in New York, far more members voted in favor of a corresponding resolution than in previous conflicts of a similar nature. In doing so, the Western allies made the international isolation of Russian President Vladimir Putin visible to the largest body of the United Nations with 193 members.

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