Will Smith: Actor jokingly shows his little tummy

Will Smith
Actor jokingly shows his little tummy

Will Smith has apparently put on a few pounds in the corona pandemic.

© Image Press Agency / ImageCollect

Will Smith also apparently struggles with the corona pounds: he shows an honest photo of his body on Instagram.

Will Smith (52) has his fans with him a joking post on Instagram “The Truth” reveals, “I’m in the worst shape of my life,” explains the actor. The accompanying photo shows Smith in a track jacket, boxer shorts and slippers. He wears the jacket open, underneath a small tummy can be seen. His fans bring him a real love storm under the post: Will Smith collected over 4.6 million likes and almost 64,000 comments in just a few hours.

“Isn’t that all of us after this pandemic?” Asks a fan below the post and, with over 2,500 likes, is very popular. “You are Will Smith! You can be in any form,” was another comment. “Let the truth be told. You are 52. You look great,” writes another Instagram user. “You have been in good shape all your life. Enjoy your papa body with pride!” Is the suggestion of another user. Drummer Questlove (50) even goes so far as to write: “This is the greatest post in the history of social media.”
