Will Smith: Doesn’t Chris Rock want to talk to him?

Will Smith
Doesn’t Chris Rock want to talk to him?

Will Smith regrets Oscar slap.

© IMAGO/Picturelux

Even after an apology video, Chris Rock apparently has no intention of speaking to Will Smith.

Several months after the Oscar slap, a reconciliation between Will Smith (53) and Chris Rock (57) still seems a long way off. The actor who attacked the comedian on stage had recently stated in an apology videothat he offered Rock an interview. He tried to reach him, but it only came back that the comedian was not ready and would get in touch.

Apparently, Smith shouldn’t hope that this could be the case anytime soon. An anonymous source has now explained “Entertainment Tonight”.that Rock’s side said there were no plans to contact Smith. He “needs the public’s forgiveness, not Chris,” the insider added.

Will Smith is ‘human too and made a mistake’

While Smith apologized to Rock and his family in the clip and said his behavior was “unacceptable,” the comedian lashed out at the 53-year-old during an appearance. he was joking according to a report by the US magazine “People”: “Everyone tries to be a fucking victim. If everyone claims to be a victim, no one will listen to the real victims. Even me who was slapped by Suge Smith… I went to work the next day, I have kids .” He probably alluded to Suge Knight (57), co-founder of the record label Death Row Records. He is currently in prison.

A another insider reports to the magazine nowthat Smith is indeed “deeply remorseful,” as he said in the clip. In addition, the actor was “also a person and made a mistake”. He slapped the comedian on stage in front of cameras in late March after he made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, 50.

After the scandal, Will Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which banned him from the awards ceremony and other events for ten years. “I want to publicly apologize to you Chris” he had announced after the incident in March on Instagram. His behavior was “unacceptable and inexcusable”.


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