William Lucking: The actor from “Sons of Anarchy” has passed away

William Lucking
The actor from “Sons of Anarchy” has passed away

William Lucking (r.) Played in “Sons of Anarchy” alongside Ron Perlman.

© imago images / Everett Collection

US actor William Lucking is dead. The mime, known among other things for his role in “Sons of Anarchy”, was 80 years old.

The American actor William Lucking (1941-2021) died at the age of 80. This was announced by his wife Sigrid Lucking in an obituary, the actor Stephen Macht (79) published on Facebook. Lucking was known, among other things, for his role as the aging biker Piney Winston in the series “Sons of Anarchy”.

The TV star died on October 18 in his home in Las Vegas (Nevada US). As his wife emphasized, her husband often played “tough and tough guys”, but “in his real life” he was an “elegant man with a brilliant intellect” who “loved to argue about politics and current affairs “.

Film roles in “Erin Brockovich” and “Contraband”

One of the best-known roles of the star, who was born in the US state of Michigan, is that of “Sons of Anarchy”, which he played in four seasons (2008-2011), as well as that of Army Colonel Lynch in the popular action series “Das A -Team”. She played Lucking in 1983 and 1984. He also acted in several successful movies different characters. In 2000 he played in “Erin Brockovich” with Julia Roberts (54), in 2012 in “Contraband” with Mark Wahlberg (50).

Lucking, whose first wife died of cancer in 1996, leaves behind his second wife two daughters and two granddaughters.


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